Subject: Copy this strategy for 6 figure profits...

A few years back we had one of our team set us up with a new webinar each week.  
They found potential partners, told them about our webinar and scheduled it...

On these webinars, we would provide good educational content for attendees, then pitch our top end licensing offer at the end of the event.

This is how it would break down:

Bob agrees to promote our webinar to his subscribers so he can make big bucks as an affiliate if they buy the offer at the end.

Bob gets his affiliate link along with a mini copy & paste email series we'd created, and he mails his lists telling them to register for a free training webinar.

His subscribers click his affiliate link and go to a registration page to sign up for the webinar we're doing.  All those who register are now cookied to Bob's affiliate ID.

If they buy anything from us, he gets the commission.

(All those who register for the webinar are opted into our list) :-)

Next, we remind the registrants about the webinar's time/date via a follow up email.

Plus, the webinar platform reminds them too (all automated)

Then, we do the webinar.

We deliver great content that's useful and helps them. At the end of the call, we talk about the license offer and tell them to go to a private link to get the special deal.

The people on the call rush to buy, and Bob (and us) make money.

Plus, we build a bigger list!

Wash, rinse and repeat with other partners.

Sure, you could do this with a recorded webinar, do it once and just replay it - (with some of the tools around today no one will even suspect it isn't live).

Or you can simply tell everyone about the recording an put the video 'replay' on a page, with a buy now button below the video.

They can now watch the replay anytime. (In our tests this didn't convert as well as a live webinar, but it still converted two or three percentage points higher than a regular sales page)

Most sales should come from the ongoing promotion of the replay.

Bob sends a follow up or two about the replay and will probably continue mailing or add the replay link into his autoresponder sequence (if he's making good money and its converting well for him)


...  it's a fantastic way to RAPIDLY GROW YOUR BUSINESS.

plus a zero cost way to BUILD A BIG TARGETED LIST.

And it's a slam dunk when it comes to creating re-usable assets, making more money or positioning yourself as an expert in your marketplace...

So instead of trying to pull off a huge launch in a week and getting bogged down in everything that entails, you could simply run this 'rolling webinars' strategy and most likely get the same returns for a LOT less effort.

Right now we have some close marketing buddies who's entire business and cash flow comes from what you've just read!

... And these guys do several hundreds of thousands each year, some make several million and most of the time they're NOT doing anything at all!


However, you have to be willing to get in front of people and speak and close the deals. That may seem daunting, but not if you have the right tools.

It's why you need >> Winning Webinar Secrets

And we think this collection could have such a positive impact on your business that right now you can get the entire set of 10 must have tools/templates with a 40% OFF FAST ACTION DISCOUNT.

You have the entire outline above (simple right) - so next grab the 'golden ticket' to make it all work effortlessly.

But ONLY for another 24 hours. 

You need to get this now to get the discount and extra bonuses.

I've even included a FULL WEBINAR SCRIPT TEMPLATE you can use where you simply fill in the blanks to promote whatever the heck you want with zero guesswork

grab it now => Winning Webinar Secrets

To Your Success
Simon Hodgkinson

Okay I know this may seem a little daunting. If it's not for you fine, but if you still want to use this formula you can... just find someone who is good at speaking / presenting and partner up with them.

Everything THEY/YOU need is >> RIGHT HERE

Hodgkinson Publishing Ltd, 43 Berkeley Square, 4th Floor, Mayfair, W1J 5FJ, London, United Kingdom
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