Subject: Register Today! The Hidden Biases of Good People

Learn about Implicit Bias from a Morehouse College professional!

The Hidden Biases of Good People:

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Training

Wednesday, December 13, 2023

9:00 am - 12:00 pm Pacific

12:00 pm - 3:00 pm Eastern

$45 per Ticket

This training satisfies the federal grant requirements for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Training.

The Dibble Institute® is offering this workshop because for us to create healthy relationships, we need to understand our hidden biases so that we might reduce and manage them.

Broadly speaking, group-based bias involves varying degrees of stereotyping (exaggerated beliefs about others), prejudice (dis/liking others), and/or discrimination (unequal treatment of others) that occur above or below conscious awareness. Scholars have labeled the subconscious form of group-based bias implicit or unconscious bias. Implicit bias is primarily seen as an attitude or stereotype held about social groups below conscious awareness. Implicit bias has become very important to understand given the decreased frequency of Americans to freely and openly express negative thoughts, feelings and behaviors regarding other racial groups. Implicit bias is everywhere and affects everyone. We all have implicit bias. The impact of our implicit bias on others, however, significantly depends on our social and professional roles in society. Bias held by educators, police officers, physicians, prosecutors and criminal court judges can significantly affect the life outcomes of large segments of society.

Research has revealed that many Americans show a positive implicit bias toward White Americans vs. African Americans, young vs. old and fit vs. obese. Showing a preference for or against any particular group does not mean that a person is prejudiced or will discriminate, but it does suggest that s/he has been repeatedly exposed to certain associations between specific groups and specific traits/characteristics and have stored them in memory. These associations are often very strong and difficult to undue without deliberate effort or ongoing training. It is possible, however, to implement practices or policies that reduce the likelihood that implicitly biased beliefs will lead to biased behaviors.

Presenter: Rev. Dr. Bryant T. Marks, Sr., Professor, Morehouse College

Rev. Dr. Marks is a minister, researcher, trainer, award-winning educator, and former member of the Obama Administration. He is the Founder and Chief Equity Officer of the National Training Institute on Race and Equity and a tenured professor of Psychology at Morehouse College.

Between 2017 and 2020, Dr. Marks provided implicit bias training to over 45,000 employees and volunteers in law enforcement; city, county, state and federal government; corporations; education; and healthcare.

Dr. Marks holds a B.A. in psychology and a minor in economics from Morehouse College and a Master's and Ph.D. in Social Psychology from the University of Michigan. Dr. Marks conducts research and professional development in the areas of diversity and implicit bias, Black male psychology and development, and personal passion and productivity.

Objectives—Participants will understand:

  • What is implicit bias?

  • How does implicit bias present in the real world?

  • What causes implicit bias?

  • How is implicit bias measured?

  • How does implicit bias affect the person who holds the bias?

  • How does implicit bias affect the attitudes and behaviors of the target group?

  • How can implicit bias be reduced/managed at the individual level?

NOTE: You may purchase multiple seats for your team at one time. Please register each attendee because we will be sending out a pre-work assignment several days in advance. Pre-work assignments and an attendance link will be emailed to each registrant two weeks prior to the event. There will be no recording of the event, so please plan to attend at the specified time. Attendees will receive a complimentary PDF slide deck of the presentation. These tickets are non-refundable.

Please visit our website to reserve your seat and mark your calendars for Dr. Marks’ presentation on December 13, 2023.

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