Subject: Wednesday, July 26 - Andal Jayanthi - Bhudevi Abhishekam and Gaja Vahana Seva

Tiruvadipur Sathamurai
Andal / Bhudevi Jayanthi - Birthday Celebrations
Wednesday, July 26th, 2017

Bhudevi at ICCT

Andal Jayanti, is the celebration of Bhudevi's birthday and is dedicated to Andal or Bhudevi (Godadevi), who is believed to be an incarnation of Goddess Lakshmi. This day is also known as Aadi Pooram. Aadi Pooram is celebrated with great enthusiasm and fervor during the Tamil month of ‘Aadi’. The day is also observed as the day of Goddess Shakti. It is believed that the Goddess comes to the Earth on this auspicious day, to bless the devotees. She is one of the twelve Alwars elevated as a Goddess after uniting with Lord Vishnu. She is renowned for her steadfast devotion for Sri Ranganatha (Lord Vishnu). Thiruppavai and the Nachiyar Thirumozhi are two of Her literary compositions praising Lord Vishnu.

Bhudevi Abhishekam 09:00 AM
Gaja Vahana Seva 07:00 PM

All are welcome to participate and receive blessings of Bhudevi / Andal / Godadevi

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