Subject: Boost your immune systemFriend

Dear Friend

I am just popping into your inbox to offer some support and information during this difficult time.
 All of the fear, uncertainty, anxiety and misinformation at the moment has left me feeling quite unsettled, so it is probably affecting you too. Add to that all the craziness around panic buying of toilet rolls (I am not sure if that is just an Australian thing) and we have the recipe for high levels of stress.

So how can you look after yourself in these crazy times?

Well the main message is to wash your hands frequently and properly. But the other thing you can do is support your immune system by eating well and getting plenty of sleep.

Essential Oils are also great for boosting your immune system. Individual oils such as frankincense, rosemary, eucalyptus, oregano (only a drop of this one as it is very strong) are all great in a diffuser or diluted with a carrier oil and rolled on the bottom of your feet. OnGuard, as in the image, is a blend of several of these oils as well as cinnamon, clove and wild orange. It is a great blend for immune support.

Contact me by replying to this email for more information or to find out how you can get high quality oils at wholesale price or book a call here

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, TBA, 6149, Perth, Australia
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