Subject: Health Update


Health Seeker.I Have  a quick update today. I'm just a few thoughts and observations on  very tragic story there appeared in news this week. You may have seen it, read it on the news The young child died named Ishak Awaab died causes linked

from mould exposure. This situation is quite common. I have  seeing this type of problem for many, many years. And I've always . I've always told my clients. Please do not tolerate any kind of mould in your house. Mould is extremely dangerous. There are two main types of mould that you find inside the house and their common in the bathrooms come in a bathroom. But it can be anywhere in the house. You could have some serious problems with mould is in the bedroom. In the bedroom, the motors. In the carpet, the motive behind the wardrobe. There are two main types of mould in the house mode. There's .Aspergillus  Fumigatus.. Aspergillus Niger.

These move through the air in the form of spores, When they enter via your respiratory system. They begin to create a lot of havoc if your immune system is weakened in any way.


These two moulds show up frequently as infective agents and hidden causes. Behind many health problems. Such as low immune function. Skin problems. Allergies. Liver failure? Fatigue. I problems. Lung problems, lung problems, lung problems. Joint pain. Coughing. And blood disorders.


The activated. Fungal forms. Are able to move around the body, proliferate Enter tissue. Joints. Blood and lymph. These organisms. create damage. And health depletion. Than even viruses and bacteria. Fungal infection Of  this type often. will exacerbate the most common form of fungal infection. Candida. Both types of fungal infection. Go undetected. Are rarely ever treated. (not that mainstream medicine can treat them anyway),  and are  very rarely identified As the source. Of chronic health. Problems.

Mould/fugi in the body make a highly toxic substance/waste excrement called Mycotoxin.


One of the biggest magical tragedies of modern medicine. Is that it does not recognise mould I know the dangers. That go with it Instead, He said the reckless Of utilisation of Anti. Biotics.  ( Anti  = Against  Bio= Life)  has destroyed the health of many. Due to the simple fact that antibiotics. Do not. Cure fungi Problems. In fact.. Anti  biotics., actually. Increase the proliferation and spread a f fungal a mode forms throughout the body. this crazy situation has caused more problems for more people that all the pharmaceutical cited for more the side effects of pharmaceutical drugs put together.


the number one friend of mould in the body is sugar and low  pH!  i.e  tissue acidity. the number one enemy of mould is regular use of bitter herbs and detoxification.


children elderly and anybody with a compromised immune system such as an ongoing health problem stress sleep problems high radiation exposure Cancer ,sugar addictions are at very high risk.


If you have a problem with house mould or persistent low energy, skin problems, lung problems have used anti biotics even once! 

Take action! Call the office or send me an email.


I will be doing a webinar on this whole area soon including house detox. So look out for that!


Radiation exposure increases your risk of fungal infections:


If you did not catch it here are the links to my last 2 webinars


Radiation Dangers:

Radiation Dangers- Solutions

There are some exciting updates in the next neswsletter including details of The HealthRestore Health Mastery Online course.

To your Total Health

