Subject: Do You Have Bright Ideas For Your Money?

Interest rates on Certificates of Deposit (CD) accounts have been rising fast, and savers will likely see more improvements in 2023. But if you are thinking of switching accounts, you may want to act sooner rather than later, experts say. With inflation coming under control, the pace of increases could soon slow, and rates could level off—or even begin to fall.

Where to keep your cash amid high inflation and rising interest rates.


Did you know?

Certificates of Deposit are as high as 5.0% APY. If you do not have plans for the money in your accounts for 12 - 18 months, this is an opportune time to deposit into a CD.

Have any bright ideas on your budgeting and forecasting for 2023?

As we come across a new year, it is essential for businesses to create a budget so they can handle their short - and long-term objectives and create a roadmap for the future; as a business owner, you need to know the reality of your cash flow.

Keep in mind that projecting your objectives and foretelling future events through forecasting is crucial for your business, this might give you a perfect idea of how to invest your money and have the potential to generate excellent returns.

At Decimalytics we can enlighten the path for your business to start its growth journey!

Budgeting and Quarterly Forecasting

$1500 or 2 payments of $750.

Budgeting, Monthly Budget Analysis, and Quarterly Forecasting

$2700 or 3 payments of $900.

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Decimalytics is a financial & advisory firm that specializes in accounting, analytics, investments, and economics.

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