Subject: How to Daygame Post-Covid

Hey mate, so I’ve been out and about doing the old Daygame post-Covid, and I’d like to share some of my infield findings with you. 

Here are my 5 biggest takeaways, these are little tweaks to add to your game so as to have a better understanding of these crazy times and hopefully increase your levels with the girls out there.

1. Slip it in Gently: What I mean by this is direct mode is no longer the cleverest option in these crazy times. I’ve been getting much better results going in a little gentler, i.e. sparking up a conversation first and then switching it to flirt mode. I was at a market recently and saw a beautiful girl in the pasta section, so I said “Hey you seem like you're an expert on pasta” and she smiled and said “I know a bit, I can't figure out all these sauces” and I retorted with “yeah that's not a good start, pasta is meant to be the simplest thing to cook, what's your signature dish?” and we carried on from there. The conversation lasted 5 minutes before I got her number and managed to drop in a direct compliment in the middle which seemed a lot more congruent, she was saying she’s been eating a lot during lockdown so I said “you look like you work out a lot and have the kinda fit body that needs pasta”. This simply is a cleverer way of doing it especially in situations like supermarkets, cafes, train stations and malls, as on the streets when you don’t have the time or situation to ease into conversations it’s best to be more direct.

2. Girls Are Happier to Flirt Than Ever: After months of gloomy lockdown, girls are so eager to interact and flirt it’s actually better than before. So get out there and start approaching, this is the perfect time.

3. Be Heard: Speaking in a big powerful voice has always been the hallmark of good Daygame, this is especially true now as people need their personal space, so if you can stand a few centimetres further away and blurt out your words with vigour, it’ll make for a beautiful impact.

4. Make Eye Contact and Smile When Walking Around: Again this goes back to the lack of interactions everyone has been having. If you see a beautiful girl, instead of running over cold and being super direct, try and make eye contact and smile as she is walking towards you. This sets things up nicely for you to approach with something like “Hey this is really random, but you look nice, you must be an Italian girl with that beautiful tan of yours” And boom there begins another beautiful vibe.

5. Unmasked: I mainly approach girls who are without masks, as it’s already a clear sign she’s more open to interactions that days and time, and thankfully most people under 30 are very relaxed about it and only do it because they think they should. From my infield experience if you find yourself really fancying a girl in a mask, you can always ask her to take it off so you can see what she looks like, sounds a little forward but it's been working for me. After 2 minutes of talking to her, I simply look directly in her eyes and just say “can I see you without the mask” it’s really as easy as that, and if she complies, it’s a really good sign she’s into you.

Hope you find this useful, and let me know if you have any questions or if you’d like one-on-one training then simply reply back to this email.



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