Subject: Daygame 2.0: Here's what we have planned for you...

Hey man!

Jason Jones here! I’m stepping into the role of CEO at I've been entrusted by Yad to steer our vibrant community into the future, and I’m honored and so excited to share all the new ideas we’ve been cooking up!

My own daygame story began, I'm sure like many of you, as a disillusioned soul in the glittering yet hollow club scene (in my case, Los Angeles) back in 2014. As an introvert I was yearning for authenticity, and once I discovered daygame I became obsessed.

Thanks to, I now wake up next to a girlfriend who I would have thought completely out of my league before. And now I get the opportunity to pay it forward.

So, what do I have in store for

Well, the world has changed a lot since we started back in 2010.

Social media and dating apps have completely reshaped the dating landscape, leading to the rise of role-models like Andrew Tate who preach that, in this new global dating market, only the wealthiest and most high status men stand a chance at attracting women.

And this is one of the delusions I want correct.

Status and wealth is obviously attractive, but women value the character of a man far more than the size of his wallet. This is where the magic of daygame truly shines.

So here’s some of what you can expect very soon…

  • Our new coach; Tim Powers, who has been recording amazing infield videos showing off new and innovative techniques

  • New advice videos covering every aspect of day-time dating

  • LIVE streaming approaches on Twitch and YouTube Live

  • The return of the Daygame Cafe forum!

Plus there’s loads more ideas I’ll be sharing with you soon!

Remember, daygame is more than just a method; it's a mindset, a community, a movement, and you're part of it.

Together, we are going to prove to the red-pilled dating cynics that attraction CAN be sparked and connection CAN be built by anyone, in broad daylight, regardless of the watch you wear or the car you drive.

Be excited, because great things are coming. I’ll be back with another email very soon.

Your new man at the helm,


Daygame CEO

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