Subject: Cold Approach Hotties this Summer

Hey Mate,

It's been a while since we spoke, I've actually been away concentrating on other areas of my life but back on the scene now feeling better than ever for this upcoming summer. I'm available for personal coaching so let me know if you'd like to take up training and get your dating up to the level you've always desired.

I'll be gallivanting around a bunch of cherry picked, perfect for cold approaching, hot-women filled cities of Europe. You'll be trained by me personally, using bluetooth devices to listen live to your approaches, have your interactions analysed so your conversation skills are fine tuned and watch me approach to discover what sort of vibe is necessary for creating attraction.

Simply reply to this email and we'll get things started. I can even give you a free consultation call to see if the training is suitable for you.

Hopefully talk to you soon mate!


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