Subject: 3 Dating Hacks For Guys Over 30

Hey mate, 

As promised here is another beautiful video, filled with a beautiful amount of value.

This one is extra special. 

I've done a lot of research and reflecting as I've got older and I've started to notice a huge difference between the way a mature guy can attract girls as opposed to younger guys. Over the last 10 years of teaching I've seen a pattern develop and in this video I will be speaking on 3 of the important points to keep in mind as you become a more mature and attractive man. 

Don’t forget, on December 17th and 18th I will be hosting a Live Seminar in Los Angeles, dedicated to teaching guys over 30 and divorcees on how to attract the hottest girls.

AND if you cannot attend in person, I am happy to announce that due to popular demand, we will be recording the seminar and making it available if you sign up. Plus I’ll be throwing in some cheeky bonuses. 

If you’re already signed up for the live seminar, don’t worry there’s plenty of bonuses for you too, including infield training as part of the package.

Just go to to sign up. 

Hopefully see you soon!
