Subject: Great Multitude Daily Bible Devotional From FaithWriters for Friend

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Roll Over and Die – by Lori Dixon

Humble yourselves before the Lord, and he will exalt you. James 4:10 (ESV)

This morning I was so convicted of trying to run ahead of God and take control. With so much on the go, lately my prayer time had become more like I was handing the Lord an agenda rather than being lost in intimate communication. Such arrogance on my part! I knelt at the foot of my bed in humble submission and repentance. A few feet away my little terrier was still waking up. Seeing me kneel, she begrudgingly stretched and sauntered towards me. Slowly she came, head low, and lay down at my knees, rolling onto her side to expose her belly.

I lost it. Once again I was being educated by my mutt. I’m not the dog whisperer, but I know what that posture represents; total trust and submission.

Oh if only we as His children could learn to roll over and die to self. That we would acknowledge Him as Lord and stop trying to take control. Just as my dog knows she can trust me, that I am a good master that provides for her needs, I too should know by now that God loves me. That He is a good master and a loving Father who will not give me a stone or a serpent if I ask for bread and fish. Yes, laying at His feet in love is so much better than sharing an agenda!

Lori Dixon is a Christian writer and speaker. Contact


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