Subject: Great Multitude Daily Bible Devotional From FaithWriters for Friend

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Thousands of Writers Inspired by Rev 7:9-12

God Sees You As Conqueror – by Harriett Ford

“We are more than conquerors through Him that loved us.” Rom. 8:37 (AKJV)

God paints a faith picture in the minds of His people with the word. He made Abraham see himself as father of many nations (Rom. 4:17-21) rather than as an old man with a wife past child-bearing years. He made Moses see himself as successfully challenging Pharaoh to let the Hebrew people go, rather than as a man of stammering lips (Ex. 4:10). He made Joshua see himself as conqueror of enemy tribes in the land of the giants in Canaan.

He called Gideon a “mighty man of valor” (Judges 6:12-16) to be victorious over the Midianites instead of “least in his father's household,” as Gideon called himself. Mary received a portrait of herself as the virgin mother of the Messiah, even though she “knew not a man.” Like Abraham, Moses, Joshua, and Gideon, Mary's faith rose up: “Be it done unto me according to thy word,” (Luke 1: 38). Jesus appeared to Saul on the road to Damascus and turned his self image from persecutor of Christians to Paul, an apostle to the gentiles (Acts 9:15).

What pictures are God's words painting in the minds of His people today? Do we see ourselves through the natural eye as old, weary, weak, and defeated? At times perhaps, but we are what the Word says, regardless of how we feel, or look. God equips us with full armor (Eph. 6:13) and our circumstances do not change His promises. Let us be imitators of God and speak into the lives of others, forgiveness, healing, and victory on a canvas of faith.

Today’s writer is the author of If God Wants Me Well, Why Am I Sick? Contact


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