Expiration Date - by Karen White “So teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom.” Psalm 90:12 In a hurry to get to work you pour cereal into the bowl, open the refrigerator and reach for the milk. And there in red is a date, the expiration date, the date stamped on the carton as a guide to whether or not the milk is safe to use. What if God had stamped an expiration date on us while we were still in the womb? A date that would inform us and all those around us the date in which we would expire. The good news is that as a Christian we will never expire but our time on Earth will. Only God knows how long we have on Earth and He isn’t telling. So what about it? Would we live our life differently if we knew how long on Earth we had? Would we treat others differently if we knew their expiration date? Regardless of the time we have left on Earth we should live as if today is our last day. We ought to walk in the ways of the Lord and love others as He has commanded. We should be aware of our loved ones and their walk with the Lord. We need to be a laborer for Him. We need a heart of wisdom. Because the fact remains that today we are one day closer to our expiration date. Today’s writer lives in Texas and is a mother of 3, and grandmother of 5. She recently retired from the public education system having taught special education. Contact