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Thousands of Writers Inspired by Rev 7:9-12

Three Biblical Trees Speak A Great Message                      by Harriett Ford

The words I speak unto you, they are spirit and they are life, John 6:63 (NIV)

In the Garden of Gethsemane, there are eight olive trees whose age is lost in antiquity. Some botanists claim that they may be as old as 3,000 years.

The Bible tells us that it was Jesus' custom to go to the Mount Olives at evening (John 7:53, 8:1). There He prayed, and He also taught His disciples (Luke 11:1-4). As I pondered this, I realized these ancient olive trees 'heard' His words. His words are spirit and they are life. Could this be the reason they are still living and thriving in the Garden? What a difference from the sycamore tree, which withered from the root after Jesus spoke to it.

Something else I discovered about the sycamore tree. While it did produce figs good for eating, interestingly, the sycamore tree's wood was used by the Egyptians to make coffins for their dead.

I can plainly see that before I heard Jesus' wonderful words of life, I was as barren as the sycamore tree and dead inside as well. There was no fruit in my life to offer Him. How thankful I am that He did not curse me. Instead he welcomed me, forgave me, and breathed His Spirit of life into me.

There is yet another tree every believer longs to enjoy. Both Genesis and Revelations speak of it. Jesus says that all who receive Him shall one day be able to eat from the tree of life (Rev. 22:2). 

Lord as I plant the seed of your Word (Lk.8:11) in the garden of my soul, help me produce much fruit to offer you. I want to be a thriving olive tree and not a withered sycamore.

Harriett is the author of If God Wants Me Well, Why Am I Sick?:A Bible Study Guide of Supernatural Healing. Contact 

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