Walking in Righteousness Anna Darlene Edmondson “He guides me in the paths of righteousness” (Psa 23 NKJ)
By definition, ‘righteousness’ evolves from a root word meaning straightness. It is a concept referring to a moral standard. Coupled with God’s character and His desire that humanity walks in righteousness with Him again, we understand more about His love and pure holiness. Emphatically, God is the definition and source of all righteousness.
“I am the Lord your God, walk humbly before me” (Micah 6:8)
In the Bible, the term righteousness defines man’s relationship with God (Jeremiah 22:3). The sacrificial system in the Old Testament and the cross of Jesus in the New Testament clearly reveal our need for righteousness. Just as God revealed Himself and led King David, He reveals Himself and leads us through His Word to acquire internal humility that leads to His righteousness, not external greatness.
“Sow righteousness for yourselves and reap the fruit of unfailing love” (Hosea 10:12)
God’s perfect standard and His rich bestowment of Christ's righteousness upon whosoever will believe, brings the justice God desires for fallen mankind and equips us for every good work. In Christ, we receive pure and righteous glory, refreshment, and the renewal of our bodily strength as we are safely nestled under His tender affections that strengthen our spiritual lives.
“Drip down, O Heavens and let the skies pour down righteousness” (Isaiah 45:8)
To be clear, we are not righteous because of inherent goodness. In fact, we cannot be holy before God based on our own merit. Therefore, we are wise to turn to God and accept His imputed perfect righteousness upon us. Seated in Christ, God sees us as righteous solely because of our identification with His Son, clothed with garments of purity from the Lord Himself.
Thank you, Father, that the cross of Jesus is a public demonstration of God’s righteousness toward us.
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