Unseen Love - Donna Martelli
"And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul." (Genesis 2:7 KJV)
I remember one autumn morning as I looked outside my window, seeing the leaves scurrying along the street with a little clicking sound. They went forward and backward and they swirled into little circles. The tree branches crackled as they moved about. A shiver of cold ran through my body at the time, thankful I was indoors. Musing on the fact that I can't see the wind that causes these things, I knew that it was the breath of the God Who loves me.
As I read my Bible, I ask the Holy Spirit to breathe on the words and illuminate their meaning to me. Maybe I have read a passage one hundred times, but today, it is brand new in its revelation to me. His breath brings the words on the page to life.
Growing deeper in thought, my mind travels back to the creation of all things. God formed, He breathed, and man became. With no breath, there would be no life. This is the bottom-line basic from the God Who loves me: the breath of life.
God's breath always brings life: to dry bones; to worn-out Christians. He not only makes all new things; He makes all things new. In our new life with Him, the words of our mouth and meditations of our heart, are changed from sinful to righteous. Upon receiving Jesus as Lord and Savior, we have come from death to life, all because He is the God Who loves us.
May my musings be jewels to your heart. May you gain new love and understanding as He breathes on you too.
"Dear Lord, I am so grateful for the breath of life which is the breath of your love. Help me to remain in this thankful state. In Jesus' Name, amen."
Contact Donna and read more from her HERE.