Subject: FaithWriters Daily Bible Devotional for Friend

Thousands of Writers Inspired by Rev 7:9-12

“I Will Carry You” by Patsy Hallum

Even to your old age I am He, and even to hair white with age will I carry you. I have made, and I will bear; yes, I will carry and will save you. Is 46:4 (Amplified Bible)

“Cause we’ve got one more valley, one more hill.” These words from an old song have helped me through a lot of trouble in my life. It helps because I know that the hard times, the valley, will not last forever; that I will soon climb out and be on top of the hill again. Why? Because God has promised to carry us through the valleys, to never leave us. Such a wonderful miracle; we are never alone. God’s always with us, IF we open our hearts and ask Him to come in.

The next line of the song is; “One more trial, one more tear.” Oh yes, life is full of trials and tears. The devil pulls at us every second of every day! Only a heart with God in it can survive. We may listen to the devil once in a while; do things we’re not supposed to do; yet when we come to our senses and realize our wrong, God is still there, watching, waiting, helping. He never fails us as we fail Him. He forgives us instantly when we ask. Can we forgive as easily? To grow more like Jesus, we need to practice forgiving and forgetting. God guides us when we let Him. Please let Him!

This author has been writing for pleasure for sixty years, this last year, I decided to get serious and write for God. Contact

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