Subject: FaithWriters Bible Devotional for Friend

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Today's Devotional
“Escaping the Wringer of Sin” 
  By Sandra Fischer

No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man. God is faithful and he will not let you be tempted beyond your ability, but with the temptation will also provide a way of escape. 1 Corinthians 10:13 ESV

Washday was a big production at our home in the 1940’s. As momma’s helper I lugged hot water buckets from stove to washing machine, a double-tub electric with a wringer - two rollers that squeezed water out of clothes. After being agitated in soapy water, I would send the clothes through the wringer. Operating it took finesse; each clothing piece folded and flattened out, so it could start between the two moving rollers. Pulling my fingers back so they wouldn‘t get caught was tricky. A release lever could stop the rollers and spread them apart whenever a wad of clothing jammed or part of me got sucked in.

I hit that button many times during my career as “laundry mistress”. Once, the wringer sucked my arm up to the elbow before I could hit it; another time I was almost scalped when my long curls were caught.

I learned to have a healthy respect for the wringer and to liken it to temptation. It can be like the mouth of that “roaring lion” prowling around, just waiting for a chance to clamp onto me. Or it can be my fleshly nature yielding to worldly enticements. I must keep my fingers back from being entangled by temptation and up to my “neck” in sin’s grasp. 

The release lever is found in I Corinthians 10:13 - a way God offers; an escape from temptation and the wringer of sin. 

Sandra is a longtime FaithWriters member living in South Carolina. She enjoys writing inspirational stories. Contact 

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