Dealing With Fear? – HL Ford
In him you also, when you heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation, and believed in him, were sealed with the promised Holy Spirit Eph 1:13 ESV
What do you think of first when someone mentions Peter, the apostle, known for his denial of the Lord on the night Jesus was arrested?
I often wondered what prompted Peter to deny Jesus three times after firmly insisting he would die with Him. I believe he was willing and meant it when he said those words. Then fear overtook him. The spirit was willing, but the flesh was weak.
HOWEVER, consider the fact that after the Holy Spirit filled Peter on the day of Pentecost, and for the REST of his life, he lived by faith instead of fear. Ultimately, Peter proved he meant those words. Acting in obedience, he learned to rely upon the Holy Spirit's power instead of his own. Operating in the Lord's strength, he willingly gave up his life for Christ on a Roman cross. According to historians, he even asked to be crucified upside down because he didn't feel he was worthy to suffer the same way as the Lord.
Dear Heavenly Father, You told us we overcome the world by the word of our testimony and the blood of the Lamb. Therefore, I hereby testify that when I am weak, I will overcome every fear by the authority of Jesus shed blood and my faith in Him. When I am weak, guide me as you did Peter, to call and rely upon the power of Your Holy Spirit that dwells within me. Always lead me to trust Your strength to accomplish what I could never do on my own. Amen
Contact HL Ford and find links to her other published articles and books HERE.