Subject: Watch Our Favorites From the ASI Convention

July/August 2020 ◊ Issue 20
Columbia Union was represented among the speakers in ASI's 2020 virtual convention. Author Tamyra Horst, who serves as director of Communication, Women's Ministries, Family Ministries and Prayer Ministries for the Pennsylvania Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, gave a sermon entitled "Called to Share the Message?"
Watch Our Favorites 
From the ASI Convention
Sharing the three angels' messages was the focal point of Adventist-laymen's Services and Industries 2020 convention. The virtual event was held July 29 to Aug. 1, and now it is available to everyone on ASI's YouTube Channel

The convention covered topics like "For-profit businesses in light of the three angels' messages," digital evangelism, leadership and much more. To help you navigate through all of the videos available, board members shared their favorite sessions and initiatives from the convention.

Dr. Eric Walsh is the medical director for Hartford Health's GoHealth Urgent Cares in Connecticut. In his presentation on the book Crucial Conversations, Walsh gives relevant information for the times we are living in, particularly with all the dialogue on key religious, racial, political, and relational issues being held by so many people.  If you would like to be more effective in the discussions you may be having, this video provides invaluable information.

Pastor Mark Finley, president of HopeLives 365 based in Haymarket, Va., gave several presentations on the book of Revelation and the three angels' messages. His sermon entitled, "Overview of Revelation," and deep dive into Revelation 14 made these important and relevant scriptures come to life and clarified what makes them so vital for these last days. I highly encourage all to watch the videos of his presentations to understand how this last-day message is a blessing and something to be excited about.

— Mark Brown, ASI Columbia Union president

The biggest blessing for the ASI members is The 3AM Call. This new website offers training to help people become missionaries online. Is God calling you to share? Well, now you have resources right at your fingertips for FREE.  Yes, it is free to you to be ready to give health classes and seminars and the goal is that each member will take the initiative to do your very own outreach meeting. Wait, but I may not want to do a whole series of meetings; then just use the presentation for the prefect sermon. It is a blessing that we can be active members in spreading the good news of Jesus. Let us not stop, let us not be weary, let us move forward.

— Daniel Reed, ASI Columbia Union vice president 
for projects, missions and evangelism

— Michele Joseph, managing editor, ASI Columbia Union newsletter
Tell us what topics would help you in your business or ministry. We may feature one in an upcoming ASI Columbia Union meetup or newsletter. Share your ideas by joining us on Facebook or contacting us at
Find encouragement, fellowship and news about ASI Columbia Union on our Facebook page. Follow us today!

This year has certainly been a year that is unprecedented in most of our lifetimes. Many of us have had to surrender everything we thought we knew about running our businesses and even our ministries. COVID, racial tensions, politics, the economy, worship, evangelism, much of what we thought we knew has changed. What has not changed is: Our God loves us. He will protect us. He will deliver us. He will provide for us blessings that to our limited vision seem unimaginable, as we surrender ourselves to His perfect will and are intentional about asking Him for mercy, grace and protection.

The devil is a liar, he is a thief – through many twist, turns, and obstacles. So we are going to pray. Praying for Power Ministry will have our prayer summit from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Sunday, Sept. 20, on Zoom. We will not cancel our prayer event. 

The Praying for Power Prayer Summit will be a Holy Spirit-filled virtual event. Due to COVID we have reorganized and restructured our annual prayer summit. Dr. Hugh Carrington will be our keynote speaker and our hostess will be Season Cromwell from Hope Channel. We will have breakout prayer rooms for adults and children.

Please email me at for more information and registration details.

Let us then approach God’s throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need (Hebrews 4:16).


Sharon Pruitt
ASI Columbia Union vice president for spiritual development
"Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the one who takes refuge in Him."
— Psalm 34:8, NIV
As we take on new challenges and opportunities, let’s be sure to try God. As we seek to do His will, let’s pursue those things that may seem difficult, out of reach, even far-fetched. When we go beyond ourselves and put our trust in God, we give Him room to reveal His power and we will see that the Lord is truly good.

— Mark Brown, 
ASI Columbia Union president

To share a prayer request, email us at
Call 570-354-0272 on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 8:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. to pray with Sharon Pruitt, ASI Columbia Union vice president for spiritual development, and other ASI Columbia Union members.
September 20, 2020  — Join Sharon Pruitt, ASI Columbia Union Vice President for Spiritual Development for the Praying for Power Prayer Summit. The annual event will be held virtually this year from 10 a.m to 3 p.m. For more information and Zoom details, email
Our mission is to obey the Holy Spirit’s call to encourage, empower and equip Adventist members of Columbia Union to work together to finish God’s work in these times in harmony with the Seventh-day Adventist Church.
ASI Columbia Union Board: Mark A. Brown, president; Zubin David, vice president for membership; Sharon Pruitt, vice president for spiritual development; and Daniel Reed, vice president for projects, missions and evangelism
ASI Columbia Union Staff: Nicole Labiche, administrative assistant
Sponsor: Celeste Ryan Blyden, vice president, Columbia Union Conference
Newsletter Managing Editor: Michele Joseph

Now you can read earlier editions of our newsletter by visiting the archive. Catch up on our news and learn about the variety of ministries, businesses and jobs held by our members.
Do you know someone who should be featured in our newsletter? Do you have a testimony to share? Let us know by emailing us at

Columbia Union ASI, 5427 Twin Knolls Road, Columbia, Maryland, 21045, United States
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