Subject: REMINDER: Join us April 27 for prayer, support and networking

April 24, 2020 
Our mission is to obey the Holy Spirit’s call to encourage, empower and equip Adventist members of Columbia Union to work together to finish God’s work in these times in harmony with the Seventh-day Adventist Church.
ASI Columbia Union Board: Mark A. Brown, president; Zubin David, vice president for membership; Sharon Pruitt, vice president for spiritual development; and Daniel Reed, vice president for projects, missions and evangelism
ASI Columbia Union Staff: Nicole Labiche, administrative assistant
Sponsor: Celeste Ryan Blyden, vice president, Columbia Union Conference
Newsletter Managing Editor: Michele Joseph

Now you can read earlier editions of our newsletter by visiting the archive. Catch up on our news and learn about the variety of ministries, businesses and jobs held by our members.
Do you know someone who should be featured in our newsletter? Do you have a testimony to share? Let us know by emailing us at

Columbia Union ASI, 5427 Twin Knolls Road, Columbia, Maryland, 21045, United States
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