Subject: Personalized Clar8ty Discount Codes

Hi Friend 

Summer is here and the action is getting hot! We have a lot we want to share with you that will help fire up your Affiliate business.

With many of us having limited interactions with other people, its important to take advantage of the on-line marketing tools in your Affiliate Website, Dashboard, social media. and more. Here is your unique Affiliate Website URL:


Share this URL with your community, and when someone makes a purchase on your website, you earn 20% commissions every-time!

Reach out to your customers with powerful marketing tools


Your Affiliate Dashboard can be accessed by logging in at Once you log in, you'll see a wealth of resources to help you share Clar8ty with your community

Screenshot of Affiliate Dashboard

  • EMAIL MESSAGES - Click on the email icon for access to a series of messages you can easily copy and paste into an email or text message. And it already has your Affiliate website URL.

  • FACEBOOK - Post instantly with your Affiliate website URL already included.

  • TWITTER - Post instantly with your Affiliate website URL already included.

  • LINKEDIN - Post instantly with your Affiliate website URL already included.

  • HTML WIDGETS - For web developers

  • WEBSITE ADDRESS TOOL - Helps you create trackable links to any page on the Clar8ty website.


At Clar8ty, we are committed to your success as an Affiliate. We've create a Resource Center designed to assist you in promoting Clar8ty products and the Affiliate Program.

  • Affiliate Announcements

  • Affiliate Training

  • Frequently Asked Questions

Click here to visit the Resource Center

Questions? Email

Personalized Discount Codes

As most of you know, we offer a 20% discount anytime the discount code "Clar8ty20" is entered during the checkout process. We're excited to announce a new powerful marketing tool = PERSONALIZED COUPON CODES

Imagine if you could give out your own personalized discount code like "johndoe20" which offers the same 20% discount at checkout, but it also tracks the sale back to you. There is no need to give out your Affiliate link if you have a PERSONALIZED COUPON CODE. You can tell your customers "Goto and use my discount code to receive a 20% discount."

-Make 3 new sales by July 31st, midnight Pacific Time

Affiliate On Fire

We want to take a moment to highlight the hard work by Affiliate Tina Casen. In June, she is leading the way in new sales. Her and her customers are taking advantage of the savings they get when they purchase the Live Activ8ed System.


We appreciate all that you do.

June Special Offers



A strong, responsive immune system is the foundation of good health. And now is the time to ensure that you are taking care of your immune system and doing your best to keep you and your family healthy.

Offer expires: June 30, 2020 @ midnight (PST)

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