Subject: Clar8ty Pathways April 2017


Spring is officially here. Are you ready to SPRING INTO SUMMER? The winter blahs are rapidly fading into the sunset and the long summer days will be here before you know it. Surely it's time to think about releasing the old and embracing a more vibrant you! We have a wonderful April Special to help you double up and get ready. Imagine what 30 days to a newer you would feel like.

As I look back over the past few months a lot has been accomplished... we had our product launch for QSPA and Reson8 and it was very well attended and a huge success. Followed by our April 1st event at Clar8ty headquarters where we had standing room only. This is all possible because of your dedication and belief in Clar8ty. Thank you from the bottom of my heart because we couldn't have gotten this far had you not been willing to go the extra mile! And by the way, this month is Clar8ty's 3rd birthday and it's a joy to celebrate this fantastic milestone with you.

Love Life,

Robin Hoffman-Haack
Founder, Clar8ty
Good luck happens when preparedness meets opportunity. Congratulations for the perseverance and work that contributed to you earning the Achiever & Mentor Bonus earned in the month of March 2017. We appreciate all that you do. 
“The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing. ” Walt Disney Company

Showing up is 90% of Success! Please join us the 4th Wednesday of each month.

This is a FREE event open to all Brand Promoters, Preferred Customers & Guests.

When: Wednesday, April 26th, 2017 @7pm
Where: Clar8ty Home Office 23361 Madero Suite 220 Mission Viejo CA 92691

                                         Have fun networking and making new friends    
                                         while growing your Clar8ty business!

*If you're unable to attend and would like to send your guest, please contact Customer Service with the name of your guest at and we will make sure they get a warm welcome and have a wonderful experience.
Success has its privileges and at Clar8ty our Ambassador Retreat on July 21, 22 & 23 is the perfect time to pause so we can show our gratitude to our qualified Ambassadors. You’ll enjoy immersing yourself in an ultra relaxing setting, surrounded by nature at our private desert villa in Palm Desert, California.

It’s not too late to set your intention to get qualified if you have a desire to be a part of this exclusive event. If you aren’t sure of your rank you can access your back office online or contact Clar8ty customer service to find out if you are qualified or how-to qualify.

with each new order of QSPA

Starts: April 1st 
Ends: April 30th

Promotion Details: All new orders of QSPA will be receiving (1) free RESON8 Quantum Charged Medallion. This includes the purchase of any QSPA product including the Quantum Pak. (The free product will not reflect in the shopping cart.)
FREE Gift Cards (4-pack)
with each order of (2) Calibr8 Kids

Started: April 1st 
Ends: April 30th

Promotion Details: 
Purchase 2 Calibr8 Kids (non-auto-ship orders only) and receive a Pack of 4 Gift Cards for Free. Each gift card has a value of $50 and can be applied towards the initial purchase of Calibr8 by a new Preferred Customer.
* This Free Gift Card special applies to Clar8ty Brand Promoters only
James Flores - Truck Driver

My name is James Flores and I’m a 59-year-old truck driver from Austin, Texas. The first week of March I received a call from a good friend of 20 years whose opinion I trust. He told me about a product called Calibr8 because he thought I might be interested in it. His timing was perfect because I had been looking for a nutritional product. But what happened after I tried Calibr8 and Calibr8 for Kids was nothing short of miraculous.

I had been suffering from very high blood sugar for several months and was trying everything I could think of to control the situation with very little success.

Just after a few days of taking Calibr8, I noticed my sugar levels were dropping. And after about three weeks of taking Calibr8, my sugar levels stabilized, my energy levels shot through the roof and, my aches and pains just melted away. A welcome benefit since I work 60-hour weeks. I was so impressed I just had to try Clar8ty’s other products including Reson8 and Circul8. Then, I thought what the heck I’ll give the night cream, Cellibr8 a try because I work long hours and its resulted in having bags and dark circles under my eyes. So, lo and behold my dark circles and the bags are half way gone… unbelievable. I am so thankful that my friend shared these products with me and I feel privileged to be a Brand Promoter.

The impact these products can have on people's lives makes me feel like I have a mission to share the products with everyone I come in contact with. Normally I would end by saying God Bless you but he already has you just may not know it.


Nutrigenomics is the cutting-edge science focused on the interactions between nutrition and genes. At the heart of Nutrigenomics is a simple concept – our own genes have tremendous innate power to generate primary antioxidants, and therefore affect wellness, health, and the aging process. In essence, we all come perfectly equipped with our own cellular antioxidant generators. Nutrigenomics continues to identify nutrients that optimize this function.
Attention Getting Strategies: 
1. When writing a headline, use a question because it peaks a person's curiosity even if they think they know the answer. 
2. People love words such as FREE, SALE, NEW, BE THE FIRST... so make a point to include them even when you are sending a text message. 
3. Use less words to make your point. The power of brevity can grab people's attention by simply omitting needless words. 
Get rewarded for hosting a Private Tasting Reception

Having a Private Tasting Reception (PTR) is a great way to share Calibr8 with friends, family, and associates. As a thank you, Clar8ty would like to send the host a FREE QChip when you have at least 3 friends together for a tasting of Calibr8.

1. Host a PTR and share Carlibr8 with at least 3 friends (no household members or existing members of Clar8ty)
2. Email cs@clar8ty
A picture of the event with you and your guests enjoying Calibr8.
Include the date and time of your event.

For more tools and tips on having a successful Private Tasting Reception (PTR), please check out for access to downloadable documents such as an invitation, a script, and a questionnaire for your presentation.

  • Tuesday - Overview Webinar @5pm, PT & 7pm, PT
  • 1st Wednesday - Product Expert Webinar of the month 
  • Saturday - Brand Promoter Training 

Thursdays @7pm, PT 
Call: 302-202-1104 Conference Code: 731696

Presented exclusively by Clar8ty Founder, Robin Hoffman-Haack every Thursday, to share inspiring                                                                                thoughts and strategies to further your success.
Did you know... that half of all Americans live with some form of a chronic condition? Share this short youtube video with your friends, family and associates so that they can see the power of Calibr8 and why it's second to none. You will be glad you did. Click to watch this 2:48 minute video:

Until next time – Switch it on!
25792 Obrero Dr., Mission Viejo, CA 92691, United States
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