Subject: Clar8ty New Year Newsletter - Pathways January 2017

Greetings Treasured Brand Promoter,

A big Happy New Year shout-out to our growing family of Brand Promoters and valued health enthusiasts. We are thrilled about 2017 and hope to see many of you in February, as we showcase an exciting new chapter for Clar8ty.

As you think ahead have you been contemplating how you'll approach the next 12 months to make 2017 an epic year? Will you do things in a different way? Are there new people on your team? Will you be traveling more? Well there’s a little story about a family who took a cruise and there's a mind expanding insight that I want to share as you step into a new year filled with amazing possibilities.

Way back in the early 1900s, there was an Italian family – mom, dad, and five kids. The dad was a tailor who worked very hard to fulfill his family’s lifelong dream to go to America. They scraped and sacrificed to save all their money until they finally had enough to book passage on a cruise ship. But, they only had enough to get the lowest of the lowest berths in the bowels of the cruise ship.

With hardly any money left for food, they brought along peanut butter and crackers to eat on the cruise. Every day for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, their mom would make peanut butter and crackers, and for dessert, she’d give them a drop of jelly on a cracker.

Well, after being on the cruise ship for a few days, the oldest son’s curiosity got the best of him and he wandered off to explore the upper decks of the cruise ship. While walking around he saw one of the buffets and he couldn’t believe his eyes. He saw a mountain of shrimp and as he watched the staff carve the roast beef, the maître d’ approached him and said, “Young man, would you like your own table?” He sheepishly answered, “Are you talking to me?” The maître d’ said, “Yes, I was.”

So, the maître d’ proceeds to escort him to a table and with fear and trepidation he sits down. His eyes were as big as saucers as he looked at a fountain of hot fudge and ice cream. It was unbelievable.

He went back to the maître d’ and asked, “Are you charging me?” The maître d’ said, “Oh, no. If you’re part of the cruise, no matter where you’re staying, no matter where your berth is, you have access to all of our restaurants.” The boy rushed back down to his berth to share what he saw and that they could eat anywhere on the cruise ship. He told his family, “We already paid for it.” His parents said, “No, no, no, you stay here with us,” because they had a certain belief system.

They had access to everything yet they didn’t take advantage of it. They told their son, “Oh my goodness if we go up there, we’ll be thrown off!” As you reflect on your plans for this year, what would you do if you didn't have limiting beliefs and weren’t afraid? 

I invite you to keep an open mind. Also, by setting the intention to allow good things in your life you can accomplish Herculean things. Next month, there's a new product Clar8ty is introducing that will unleash new possibilities for you and the people in your life. Trust that this is your year to live your best life!

Love Life,

Robin Hoffman-Haack
Founder, Clar8ty

It's Time. 2017 Awaits. Let's Make Memories!

Clar8ty loves bringing you cutting edge products along with the latest research about inflammation. Chris Neville, Clar8ty's VP of Product Development will share some very important research that has linked depression to chronic inflammation. In addition he’ll discuss a Holistic approach to health including:
  • Concerns you may have about the food you eat and the supplements you take
  • Confusion about conflicting points of view and what to do next
  • Tips to have more clarity by understanding the 'Healthy Cell Model'
  • And, learn more about QSpa, it's Clar8ty’s next breakthrough product
Chris Neville is the moderator and everyone is invited to this important webinar.

Join us... Wednesday, January 4th @7pm, Pacific Standard Time
Please click the link to join the webinar:
Or, Call: 408-638-0968
Webinar ID: 159 102 255



Started: November 14th
Ends: February 5th

Promotion Details: Events drive the business! Mark your calendars for the QSPA Launch event on Saturday, February 25th, 2017 and start building momentum today. Take advantage of the special contests below and make this product launch event a game-changer for your Clar8ty business. Learn more...
As we express our gratitude, we would be remiss if we didn’t tell you that we honor your commitment and all that you have achieved. You have persevered through stumbles and falls and come out on top. Congrats for earning the Achiever & Mentor Bonus in the month of January 2017. We support you and applaud your effort, enthusiasm and unstoppable momentum.
"One way to keep momentum going is to have constantly greater goals" Michael Korda
Cheryl Brenner
Global VP Strategy & Client Relations at Powerteam USA

In November 2016, Michelle Anton a great friend of mine attended an event for Powerteam International in Las Vegas and she mentioned that she had a terrific product that would help with inflammation.

have had severe problems with my knee and last year I had surgery on my right knee. Post-op, not only was I in pain my left leg was now hurting because I had been overcompensating for my right knee for months by putting extra pressure on it (sigh). With that, I returned to my orthopedist and began icing my left knee at night and taking two different medications, one during the day and another one at bedtime.

The pain in my left knee had gotten so severe that I could barely walk and Michelle had noticed and wanted me to try Calibr8. I reluctantly agreed not thinking it would really work but I decided to give it a try because of my confidence in what she told me about the company and the product. When I got home I started taking Calibr8 and I was texting Michelle daily… Day 1, Day 2, Day 3 and by Day 4, I noticed a real clarity in my mind, I was seeing things much clearer so I thought that was a great result but I hadn't noticed any significant change in my knee problem. However, about eight days into taking Calibr8 I was sitting in a chair and I started to get up and noticed that I didn't feel any knee pain. And then I realized I hadn't taken my pain medication the last two nights nor had I taken any pain medication the day before or that day and that's when I first knew and I remember saying to myself, “OK there's really something to this Calibr8!”

My background is in holistic medicine and I was a consultant to chiropractors and acupuncturist so I was very excited to be able to get off of the pain medication. My pain has been helped so much by Calibr8. I take it with me when I travel and love the convenience of using a powder that easily mixes with water and tastes great! I’ve also noticed that when I get off of the airplane I don’t suffer from the usual stiffness I use to experience and that's made a huge difference for me. Needless to say I've been telling everyone about Calibr8. Something else that’s been amusing to me is that my boyfriend noticed the results and he wanted to start taking it. So now we're both on the product and we're very excited about it.



Date: February 25, 2017
Time: 10AM – 4PM
Location: Ayres Hotel & Spa 
28951 Los Alisos Blvd
Mission Viejo, CA 92692

Join us for the QSPA Product Launch Event! We can’t wait to show you what we have in store for you as we bring on another addition to the Clar8ty product line-up. Register before February 1st, 2017 and receive a $10 discount off the regular $25 registration fee for Brand Promoters when you use the promo code “early bird” There is limited space, register today!

Date: January 14, 2017
Time: 10AM - 2PM
Location: Clar8ty Home Office
23361 Madero Suite 220
Mission Viejo CA 92691

Kick off the year and stay on track for big results by attending our first Super Saturday Training for 2017! Please bring a dish for the Potluck lunch! Call customer service at (949) 328-7855 or, email us if you have any questions at


Date: January 25, 2017
Time: 7PM
Location: Clar8ty Home Office 
23361 Madero Suite 220
Mission Viejo CA 92691

January 25th, 2017 is our next Monthly Business Opportunity Meeting at the Clar8ty Home Office. We will not have our monthly meeting in December. However, join us for our first Business Opportunity Meeting in 2017 the 4th Wednesday of the month. Please bring your guests on Wednesday, January 25th. Exciting new things are happening at Clar8ty and we can't wait to see you.

Why should we not rely solely on the nutrition supplied by our food?
Although our food provides nutritional value, it may not fulfill all of our requirements. Soil depletion, pesticides, factory farming, picking produce before ripe, GMO, hybridization and other factors, can impact the critical micronutrient levels in modern food. The negative effect is substantiated by the rise in chronic inflammation, obesity, and poor health. Incorporating new scientific discoveries, Clar8ty has developed products that not only support optimal health but also provide an affordable and convenient solution for busy lifestyles.

A hand-written note is a great way to get ahead professionally. Also, when used in the right way it can be a powerful tool for success. The art of a hand written note can set you apart from the competition and can even impress the person on the receiving end. Here are a few tips:

1. A handwritten thank-you note gives you an opportunity to re-connect and standout in the mind of someone you’ve met.

2. When sending a thank you note, never ask for anything, it takes away from the fact that you’re thanking them.

3. Follow-up in a timely manner and always send information that you promised to send.

4. Don’t use a thank you note to apologize, to mention something that went wrong or to give negative feedback.

5. Don’t use a thank you note to decline an offer.

6. Written correspondence gives you another chance to impress people. Therefore you never want to include a sales pitch or to sound desperate.

7. Regardless of the occasion, a written note allows you to strengthen rapport with people who are unfamiliar with you as well as to reconnect with those who you've been out of touch with.

  • Tuesday - Overview Webinar
  • 1st Wednesday - Product Expert of the month 
  • Saturday - Brand Promoter Training

Thursdays @7pm, PT 
Call: 302-202-1104 Conference Code: 731696

Presented exclusively by Clar8ty Founder, Robin Hoffman-Haack every Thursday, to share inspiring          thoughts and success strategies to further your success.

Here's a wonderful "explainer" video with Johnathan Colbert, Royal Ambassador for Clar8ty, and radio talk show host. You’ll enjoy watching it and sharing it because he talks about all the Clar8ty products.

Until next time – Switch it on!
25792 Obrero Dr., Mission Viejo, CA 92691, United States
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