Subject: Friend, Opening to What's New & Protecting the Dream

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Opening to What's New & Protecting the Dream

January 8, 2015

Hi Friend, 

Happy New Year! I'm back at work after two lovely long weeks of rest, doing nothing, family time, and eating lots of yummy treats.

I'm still coming out of the cave. In fact, most of my sites are still in malware hell. I've migrated all the sites to a new host who have been great at communicating with me. They're in process with cleaning up my sites and helping me protect them against future malware and other online baddies.

Opening to What's New & Protecting the Dream  

I spent the last few days of the year day-dreaming for 2015.

As I looked ahead into the year, I felt that the first few months of the year were quiet compared to what I have in store for later in the year. I feel I'm still in the quiet of winter, wanting to hunker down, edit my latest novel (super content about doing that), preparing for my next print project, prep my next online course, and basically, nurture the creative soul without the intensity of creating something absolutely new. That will come later in the year! 

I don't want to rush into the new. I want to meander into it and savor what I've created.

I want to protect the growing new stories and projects, keeping them out of the gaze of world, for now. 

I'm also open to the newness of the year, stepping out of my comfort zone in small ways, playing with new online tools, making plans to meet new people and learn new things.

I have one foot in the past, reflecting and cleaning up (sites, manuscripts, my apartment!), and also pulling in the new vision for the year. I am hopeful, curious, and taking it one small step at a time.

How are you approaching the new year?

Hit "reply" and let me know.

You can also share your reflections on Facebook, where I share my phrase for the year: "Powered By Love".

Facebook link:

If you have questions about editing or finishing your novel, publishing your novel, whether about self-publishing or traditional publishing, or marketing for novelists, hit "Reply" to ask.

You can set up your own Complimentary Discovery session for 2015 here. I have openings for January and February now posted.

 Mid-January 2015: The final quarterly issue of the Author Entrepreneurship Magazine will be published. Topic: The Ins and Outs of Cover Design for Authors. 

It's been a great run and great fun! 

Guest authors welcome! If you have something to say on the topic, I have room for 3 more articles. 

Guidelines here: 

What's next: I'm changing the focus and format a little for the magazine. Starting the beginning of April, I'll be posting weekly Q&As from other author entrepreneurs. If you are an author and help other authors as your business, and would like to be featured as a weekly guest, let me know. I'll put you on my list, and will be sending out the questionnaire some time in February. Thanks! 

For more conversation, you can join the Author Entrepreneurship Magazine Facebook group here:

 January 21-24, 2015: Storytellers Summit, sponsored by creativity coach, Julia Roberts of Decoding Creativity: I am among a dozen or so guests featured. Link and more news coming soon!

♥ February 1, 2015: Registration is now open for the Group Coaching Program for Genre Novelists and ends soon. Email me if you're wondering if this program is right for you.

March 7, 2015: Beth and Ezra Barany presenting at the 3rd Annual Day of the Book presented by JFK University, Pleasant Hill Campus, Pleasant Hill, CA. This free event is open to all. More details coming soon.

June 2015: Beth Barany is sponsoring a Genre Novel First Chapter contest as part of the San Mateo County Fair Literary Stage. 

This contest is open to writers worldwide. 

More details soon. 

Get ready! Polish your first chapter. Entries due: April 1st, 2015.

Prizes, of course!
1st Place Winner: Author Coaching Package (3 sessions) valued at $450 
2nd Place Winner: One Author Coaching session (valued at $150)
3rd Place Winner: A signed copy of The Writer's Adventure Guide by Beth Barany 

Submit chapter one (max 3,000 words) of your unpublished novel of any one of these genres: Mystery, Suspense, Thriller, Fantasy, Science Fiction, Speculative Fiction. No: Romance, Horror, Erotica. (NO SYNOPSIS OR PROLOGUE). You must include a one-paragraph Elevator Pitch. (Instructions here: ( Open to unpublished or self-published authors only.

NEW THIS YEAR MULTIPLE NOVEL CONTEST ENTRY OPTION: Work may be also submitted to the Division 350 Publisher’s Choice novel chapter contest, but must keep with this contest’s 3000 word limit (separate entry fee applies).

Rules will be posted soon. See last year's here:

June 1-30, 2015: 30-Day Challenge to Preparing Your Novel course. More details on how to sign up coming soon!

July 2015: Two courses! 

Summer NaNoWriMo: Write Your Novel in July. More details for coming soon!

And... Branding for Romance Authors (& Other Genre Novelists): How to Create an Online Presence, Network Using Your Author Blog, and Craft a Content Plan. An online course via Outreach International, an RWA chapter. You can already sign up here:

♥ October 2015: Writing Retreat in Paris, France: Email me if you'd like to join us for this 7-day writing adventure in the City of Lights.

Enjoy my tips on travel & writing here:

If you have any questions about my author coaching, book marketing, or publishing services, just reply to this email and we'll help you out within 24 hours during business hours, Monday through Friday, when we're not on holiday.

All our best,
Beth & Ezra

Beth and Ezra Barany are award-winning, best-selling novelists, who have worked with over 100 authors to help them get their books written and published.

♥ Happily married for over 15 years, we’re passionate about writing, storytelling, and guiding authors to achieve their dreams.

We offer coaching and change work sessions, consulting, and book marketing services, including a social media and online platform assessment and cover design, for novelists. 

Top Photo Credit: by Vivienne McMaster
Bottom Photo Credit: by Beth Barany
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