Subject: Friend, Clarify + Simplify Your Writing Life

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Clarify + Simplify Your Writing Life
May 28, 2015

Hi Friend, 

I'm excited to be teaching our next "30-Day Writing Challenge to Plan Your Novel" that starts June 1st. Ezra and I are getting ready by talking about story. (We're always talking about story! Check out our YouTube video below on that topic.)

In the meantime, I've also been writing a new romance novella and sending out book review queries to book reviewers and bloggers.

Clarify + Simplify Your Writing Life
My biggest challenge in writing and marketing my fiction has been feelings of overwhelm and confusion.

I didn't know where to start, and once I started I seemed to lose the threads of what I was doing from one day to the next.

With the writing phase, I figured out a few solutions that have been working for me for years. 

I track my work and I set monthly goals for myself. That's how I help create forward movement.

And now I get clarity on what my story is about and who my characters are by using my "Plan Your Novel" curriculum.

Now, with book marketing, I've been experiencing similar feelings of confusion and overwhelm.

I finally realized I was making things difficult for myself. I needed one place to track my book marketing efforts, and I needed only one campaign upon which to focus my attention.

I decided to focus on sending our review requests for my newest book, Touchstone Series: Romance Novella Books 1-4, plus a bonus short story. I arbitrarily decided to aim for sending 100 queries in 6 months. 

That was a month and a half ago. 

A few things have changed since I set up my spreadsheet and started sending out queries: I've only sent out 19 queries, instead of the 25 I should have by now. (But not bad!) And, I've also been sending out queries for the first book in my young adult fantasy series, Henrietta The Dragon Slayer

(Because I've been finding those reviewers too. I track it all on the same spreadsheet. And it all counts.)

Another lovely result: I have 2 new reviews of Henrietta The Dragon Slayer, and 1 new review of book 2 in the series, Henrietta and the Dragon Stone. Plus one review of Touchstone Series.

But the important thing is I'm sending out queries, getting reviews, and even have a guest post coming out soon. (I just wrote one on labyrinths.)

If you're struggling with overwhelm and confusion in writing or marketing your novel, here are some steps you can take: 
  1. Get clear on the problem. (I'm overwhelmed. Or, confused. Or, something else.)
  2. State what you'd like. (I want to write more, more often. Or, I want to request reviews for one of my books. or, something else.)
  3. Set a reasonable goal by a reasonable time.
  4. Create a simple spreadsheet to track your progress and follow up. I've created a template you're welcome to download and adapt as needed. Click here to download. **Be sure to download to use; don't start filling it out online.** 
The other day a friend of mine said I ask good questions that are gentle and direct. I really appreciated that characterization. 

What is your main challenge with moving forward on your writing, or marketing your novel?

Hit reply and let me know.

I'm always interested in hearing from you.

All my best,


30-Day Writing Challenge to Plan Your Novel
with Beth and Ezra Barany
June 1-30, 2015

We still have room! Join us!

Check it out here:

Designed for the writer with a life, this course will help you brainstorm your story -- from character development to plot structure to story themes and world building -- so that you can start NaNoWriMo (or Camp Nanowrimo in July) prepared.

You can plan your novel in a way that fits into your life. We know, because we’ve done it, multiple times!

3 days left to enter our Hook Your Reader contest!

Go here for the rules and prizes and learn how to hook your reader (or entice them, seduce them, get them curious): 

Click here:
Paris Writing Retreat

We see a group of writers with us in Paris, Oct. 3-10, 2015.

If you see yourself there too, take action and sign up here for news and a Packing List:

You can read all the juicy details, including how to register and check out our rich itinerary here:
I've been creating bite-sized videos of walking and being inspired to write.

Check out the lastest video here.

I have 13 videos posted now and 42 subscribers to my Youtube channel. Fun!
4 Main Ways I Help Novelists

After almost 9 years in the business of helping writers, I finally have an almost complete map of offerings. 

Here's my summary:

1. Getting Started
If you want to be writing, but haven't started, get the free 5-Day Writer's Motivation Mini-course.

If you want to write your novel, plan it first with our 30-Day Writing Challenge to Plan Your Novel, Self-Paced Homestudy course. Or June 2015 course.

You can also check out my ebook, Overcome Writer's Block.

2. Finish Your Novel
If you need support to finish your novel, join our 12-month Author Group Coaching program. You can join this 12-month program any time during the year. You’ll get a full year of support and join a vibrant and intimate community.

You can also use my book, The Writer's Adventure Guide, for support.

3. Market Your Novel
We also cover book marketing in our 12-month Author Group Coaching program.

I'm offering a book marketing and author branding course in July here.

You can also take the home study course on running your own virtual book tour here.

You may also find useful, my book, available on Amazon, Twitter for Authors.

4. Publish Your Novel
Finally we cover your publishing options and give support every step of the way in our 12-month Author Group Coaching program.

I have a product coming soon, "3 Essential Publishing Tips for Authors": a 90-minute audio training on your publishing options, plus a 10-minute self-publishing overview, and a PDF Report “Self-publishing vs. Traditional Publishing”.


To explore how I can support you, schedule a 1-hour complimentary Discovery Call here:
Have a Happy and Creative Week!

And thanks for playing!

All our best,
Beth & Ezra

PS. If you're ready to plan your novel, want to be ready for Camp Nano in July, and want to take a self-paced course, then check out the $30 course here:

PPS. If you want to bypass the self-paced or live course on planning your novel, you can also read a summary of every lesson in 10 posts on the Writer's Fun Zone blog here.

Beth and Ezra Barany are award-winning, best-selling novelists, and teachers who have worked with over 100 authors to help them get their books written and published.

♥ Happily married for over 15 years, we’re passionate about writing, storytelling, and guiding authors to achieve their dreams.

♥ We offer coaching, change work sessions, book marketing coaching (Beth) and cover design (Ezra), for novelists. More at 

♥ To explore how Beth can support you, schedule a 1-hour complimentary Discovery Call here:


An award-winning novelist, certified creativity coach and Master NLP Practitioner, Beth runs Writer's Fun Zone, a blog for and by writers, and her recently launched school for novelists, the Barany School of Fiction.

Beth writes YA fantasy and sweet/sensual paranormal romance. She also writes how-to books and courses for novelists, including her home study coaching guide, The Writer's Adventure Guide: 12 Stages to Writing Your Book, a Hero's Journey adaption with you the author as the hero in your own adventure of writing your book.

In her downtime, Beth takes walks, paints, watches movies with Ezra, travels, and has coffee with friends and family. And plays with her two cats, gardens, and does capoeira. And sleeps. She loves sleep.

Lots of Free Resources for Writers:

SOCIAL MEDIA: Let's connect in a way that's right for you!


And more!

Photo Credit: by c. 2014 Vivienne McMaster
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