Subject: Your are not alone

Support to Feed Your Creative Soul

You are not alone

Hi Friend,

When I wanted to learn how to write a novel, I didn't know where to turn.

I'd read all the books, but they didn't really help me. (Okay, they helped a little, got me started, and certainly got me inspired.)


I knew I needed to get myself with my peers and with teachers. (I talk more about this here.)

And learn from hands-on experience, real stories from real writers.

That is how I've become the novelist I am today -- from hands-on real-world learning.

And that's what Kat and Marci have created for you, bringing together writers who are also teachers, editors, and coaches, like myself.

Novelists, join us!

Kat and Marci's Online Writing Retreat

Next week:

Tues, May 16 and Wed, May 17

2 days all for you to write...

Online and in the comfort of your own home!

* 7 instructors

* Time to write

$97 - Great price if you sign up by tonight, midnight (PST) Friday, May 5.

Then the price goes to $127.

All the details here:

Need more details? Read on.

Summer is arriving. 2023 is rushing past.

And there’s still so much to learn and do in order to finish your book.

Writing a novel is so much harder than it seems at first. 


You need to create a new setting (or world), develop characters from scratch, outline a compelling plot, get the grammar right, fight off imposter syndrome …phew


What if I told you that you could find live resources for all those problems and get back on track in just two days?


My friends Kat Caldwell and Marci Renée have gathered some of the best experts on novel writing to teach workshops on May 16 & 17 and you’re invited to attend! 


Each teacher will present a live workshop of writing tools that you can use RIGHT AWAY so you can finish your novel in 2023. 


Look who is coming to teach - and their topics:

Lewis Jorstad - Writing Crossroads: How Your Hero’s Decisions Define Your Story 

Stacy Juba - Adding Nonverbal Communication and Body Language to Enrich Your Story

Emma Dhesi - Confidence Comes From Doing

Tracee Garner - Finding the Perfect Hook

Marci Renée - The Power of Telling Your Story ; Interactive Story Circle 

Beth Barany (me) - Uncover Your Character’s Worst Fears to Discover Your Story Conflicts

(More on that below)

Kat Caldwell - 5 Mistakes to Avoid to Create A Stellar Story

And they’re all teaching on different specifics you need to know to write your best novel.


All in 48 hours. 

It will be intense, but recordings will be made and available to every participant.

Plus, we will have a sprinting room open in between workshops where you can start implementing what you learned in the workshop into your novel right away.

You can do it!

We know you can.

And the best part is that you don’t have to do it alone!

With the help of Kat and Marci’s Online Writing Retreat, you can receive the help you need to finish your book — without burning out!

We’re focusing the writing retreat on giving you help, time, and space to write in a fun and supportive community environment.

Just imagine what it would feel like to have your book written by the end of the year!

Yes, you can do this!


This is what I'll be teaching Tuesday, May 16, 2023, 10:30am PT/1:30pm ET, a hands-on 90-minute workshop.

Uncover Your Character’s Worst Fears to Discover Your Story Conflicts


Many writers are panters – they write mostly by the seat of their pants.

They find that many plotting tools don’t work for them.

Creating compelling and real conflict seems out of reach.


Perhaps that’s you.


That’s definitely me too.


I also call myself an organic writer.


So, I found an organic way to develop my story’s conflicts and crack compelling stories.


For over a decade (almost 17 years in fact!), I’ve helped writers craft their novels and this is one of the most powerful tools in my toolkit to go from interesting character to strong spine of your story.


In this hands-on workshop, you’ll be invited to take one of your main characters and use this tool to craft your story’s conflicts.


Come prepared to write to explore and develop your novel.



Have a happy and creative week.



PS. When you sign up, there are bonuses and other goodies! ($50 retail value).

Plus. lifetime access.

Plus, a private Fb group.

Plus, giveaways!

And time for you to write in sprint rooms!

Join us!


Beth Barany
Creativity Coach for Writers

Teacher, Speaker, Workshop Facilitator

Plus, Teaching tailored story writing curriculums for future-facing, bold organizations who want members to think outside the box and take action.

Creativity is the answer.

I not only teach and coach novelists, I am one too! 

Author of *Magical Tales of Romance, Mystery, and Adventure*

Award-winning science fiction & fantasy novelist.


How To Write The Future podcast

The How to Write The Future podcast is for science fiction and fantasy writers who want to create optimistic stories because when we vision what is possible, we help make it so.

Sign up here to get your World Building Workbook for Fiction Writers:

Beth Barany is an award-winning science fiction and fantasy novelist, and certified creativity coach for writers.

She specializes in helping writers experience clarity, so they can write, revise, and proudly publish their novels to the delight of their readers. 

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live in the territory of Huichin, part of the stolen land of the Chochenyo Muwekma Ohlone, the successors of the historic and sovereign Verona Band of Alameda County.


I stand with people of Ukraine in their fight for freedom from oppression and the right to self-determine.

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