Subject: Your Mindset and the Writer's Stance + Kickstarter Webinar + Thanks!

How To Write The Future, episode 20 out now!

Your Mindset and the Writer's Stance + Kickstarter Webinar + Thanks!

Ep. 20 of How To Write The Future - available now!

To listen to this 13-minute episode on Your Mindset and the Writer's Stance, click here:

Hi Friend,

“…Even today holding a physical book, and also being able to share that physical book with other people is so, so satisfying.”

In this podcast episode, my 20th!, "Your Mindset and the Writer's Stance" of my How To Write the Future podcast, I discuss mindset and the writer’s stance and encourage you to explore your ideal writer’s life and discover your own creative process.

In this episode, you’ll learn:

1 - About the physical stance and mental stance;

2 - What it looks like to be a successful writer to you;

3 - How to sign up for a no-obligation discovery call to help unlock your unique vision.

To listen and for the full transcript, go here:

Kickstarter Webinar

Today, Monday, Dec. 21 at 12pm PST/2pm CST/3pm EST is the super popular “5 Places You Make Money in a Kickstarter Campaign” webinar encore!

Sign up here!

In this webinar, Russell and Monica will explain the five ways you can make money in a Kickstarter campaign. You might be surprised by the answer!

From the smallest book campaigns to the largest ones, they see authors leaving a ton of money on the table by not optimizing these five ways. Tune in to this free webinar and get all of your questions answered!

Thanks and Happy Thanksgiving!

Thank you for being here.

Thank you for writing your stories.

Thank you for caring about writing your stories.

Thank you for sharing your stories with the world so that we may all be transformed by your heart and message and vision.

And, if you celebrate, Happy Thanksgiving!

For the festivities, Ezra and I will be with family, including my little nephews.

Ollie, 5 years old, loves calendars and asked me on a recent visit, "How do you spell November?" Then he proceeded to spell it out on the big wall calendars I gave him.

His brother Jack, 4 years old, loves building things and learning to tie knots. With him, we built a castle with my old greeting cards.


Have a happy and creative week.



PS. A few spots are open in our group coaching program that includes discerning, tailored 1-1 support for the way you work. For you if you've finished your first draft and want to create a beta reader reader draft that you're proud of and you're excited to share with the world. Go here for all the details.

Early Enrollment for 2023 has now started. Enroll by Dec. 16, 2022, and get some cool bonuses.

Beth Barany
Creativity Coach for Writers

Teacher, Speaker, Workshop Facilitator

I not only teach and coach novelists, I am one too! 

Author of *Magical Tales of Romance, Mystery, and Adventure*


How To Write The Future podcast

The How to Write The Future podcast is for science fiction and fantasy writers who want to create optimistic stories because when we vision what is possible, we help make it so. Sign up today for your Story Success Clinic session and get promo for your books.

NaNoWriMo is here!

It's NaNoWriMo Season, so here are some Novel Planning Resources for you - "8 Tips to Plan Your Novel to Write With Confidence and Clarity"

Sign Up To Talk To A Writing Coach  

FYI: While I'm writing my next novel, I only have a few slots for new clients and for exploring the possibility of working together. I'm booked 3-6 weeks out. 

It is my passion to help novelists. As a coach and teacher, I help science fiction & fantasy writers get their novels completed, out into the world, and into the hands of their readers. Let's chat and explore if working together is the right fit for you now.

Direct link:

Hi, I'm Beth Barany, fiction writing teacher, creativity coach, and novelist.

Here's my ABOUT:

Beth Barany is an award-winning science fiction and fantasy novelist, and certified creativity coach for writers, and runs the podcast, How To Write The Future.

She specializes in helping writers experience clarity, so they can write, revise, and proudly publish their novels to the delight of their readers. 
Her courses are packed with useful hands-on information that you can implement right away. Her transformational consulting sessions help you step into the author life you want with ease and joy.

She runs an online school for fiction writers, including a 12-month group coaching program to help them develop an editing practice and get published. 

More resources on publishing, book marketing, and novel writing are on her blog, for and by creative writers, Writer's Fun Zone
When she's not helping writers, Beth writes magical tales of romance, mystery, and adventure that empower women and girls to be the heroes of their own lives. 

For fun, Beth loves walking her hilly neighborhood, puttering in her garden, and watching YouTube videos about the space industry. Beth lives in Oakland, California with her husband, Ezra Barany, also a novelist, and their cats. 

Here be the legalese: In connection with the operation of this newsletter and business, Creativity Sparks includes affiliate links to trusted partners. Barany Consulting earns a commission from the Affiliate Links which commission is based on the number of sales that are made as a result of users of the Newsletter clicking over to the Affiliate Link and purchasing from the Affiliate Link a product and/or service. Thus endth the legalese.

live in the territory of Huichin, part of the stolen land of the Chochenyo Muwekma Ohlone, the successors of the historic and sovereign Verona Band of Alameda County.


I stand with people of Ukraine in their fight for freedom from oppression and the right to self-determine.

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