Subject: Writing Process Assessment + Shannon's Workshop + Group Coaching

Creativity is everywhere...

Writing Process + Group Program Opening + Shannon's Workshop

Creativity is everywhere...

How To Write The Future podcast, latest episode:

"World Building and Mental Models"

Hi Friend,

If you haven't already, I recommend you start designing your very own creative process to become the author you’ve always dreamed of becoming.

When I lose my way as a writer due to life's normal and important interruptions - like being sick recently - I need to restart the writing engine to get words on the page. I need to finish the first draft of my next novel. At these times, I know I can rely on my creative process.

If you're like most writers, you know that a consistent creative process can make all the difference for creating, publishing and selling your work.

But if you wonder how to you get started, here are some tips and ideas to get you started:

1. Develop a writing schedule that works for you.

Figure out how much time you can carve out each day and make it a habit.

Set a goal of a minimum word count each day, or set deadlines for yourself so that you can break down larger projects into smaller chunks and still make progress.

Or set an appointment with yourself to put words on the page regularly in a rhythm that works for you.

2. Take time to research and understand the different elements of your stories, such as setting, characters, plots, and themes.

This will help you shape your stories that are emotional and gripping for your readers.

3. Carve out an area in your home or office specifically for writing.

Making a space solely for your creative work can give you the dedicated time and energy to work on your craft.

Create a conducive environment that energizes and inspires you.

4. Take time to reflect on your writing process. Self-awareness and self-knowledge is key here.

Learn what works and what doesn't for you, not what is fashionable or what "they" say.

Knowing your process will help you create outstanding projects in the future.

Maybe keep a project journal to record your successes, failures, and ideas over time. Or confide in writing buddies who can remind you of your process when you forget. (That's what I do!)

5. Find a community of other authors to share advice, support, and accountability.

These can be online writing communities, local writing groups, or even mentors or coaches, like myself.

Creating your own unique process takes time and practice, but it will eventually become second nature to you and be something you can rely on even with life's normal and important interruptions.

Design your own creative process to have a powerful way to become the author you truly want to become.

Happy writing!

Note: The first draft of this article was drafted by

AI for writers has come a long way, but still won't replace us anytime soon. Still, officially mind blown.

Are you still not getting anywhere with your novel?

Bonuses Offered during Early Bird Enrollment to the Group Coaching Program for Genre Novelists

Are you still not getting anywhere with your novel?

Stop going it alone!

Instead let's work together to achieve your editing and publishing goals.

Get the step-by-step guidance you need to write, publish, or market your genre novel with experienced and bestselling novelists who are also professional teachers, coaches, and mentors.

Receive discerning, individualized support all year-long in a group setting that supports your goals and progress.

More about our year-long program here:

-- One-on-one support available too.

This group is for you if you've finished a genre fiction manuscript and want to polish it and get it ready for publication.

If you sign up now through Friday, Dec. 16, I'm offering some lovely Early Enrollment Bonuses, including:

  • 2 one-on-one calls with me to get individualized feedback on your pages — 20 pages each call — to cement what you're learning and to solidify your new editing skills.

  • Complimentary December 2022 and January 2023 membership to the Group Program. Sign up now and receive 13+ months of this 12-month program, if you enroll by Friday, Dec. 16, 2022, 9pm Pacific.

  • Branding and Marketing Assessment, plus 30-minute consulting call with me -- I'll help you focus on your strengths and shore up your weaknesses via phone or Zoom.

  • Complimentary registration to the Book Marketing Lecture Series, including the Author Persona workshop, coming in 2023.

  • Signed copy of PLAN YOUR NOVEL LIKE A PRO: AND HAVE FUN DOING IT! by Beth and Ezra Barany.

All the details here:

Writing Process Assessments Available

Now Scheduling Coaching Appointments for 2023!

As I settle into my end-of-year client projects, I'm looking forward into the New Year and opening up coaching consulting blocks of time.

If you read my note on getting to know your creative process above and thought, "I could use some help with that," then consider gifting yourself a Writing Process Assessment.

I'm offering a special to celebrate the end of year and start of the new one.

$99 (Normally $300) for a Writing Process Assessment

Openings starting January 2023. Only 10 slots available.

Go here to pay and book a time:

Sessions are 1 hour, though sometimes run a little over, so block off 90 minutes.

By Zoom or phone, or even at my local cafe, if you can come to Oakland, CA.

I can record Zoom calls, as needed.

Read on if you want to know more about my approach...

I help writers who feel stalled in writing their books, want support, and sense now is the time to take care of their writer dreams.

My sessions are for you if any of the following apply:

  • you yearn for a creative process tailored specifically for you, so that you can get writing.

  • you've tried lots of other people's tools and techniques but nothing's working.

  • you know that success is first an inner experience that gets manifested outward, but something feels out of alignment and you don't know what.

Note: If you purchased a pass at the Infostack Write Publish Profit 5.0 this year, I encourage you to use the coupon I offer there, so you can get a deeply discounted coaching session with me.

This coupon expires, so use it to book a session with me, or gift it to someone who would appreciate it.

How do these 1-1 sessions work?

In our session, I help you clarify your goals or intentions, help you uncover what's stopping you, and help you gain clarity on how to move forward.

Through conversation, deep listening, and using my over 20 years of experience working with creative writers, I can assess your writing process, support you with mindset tools, and guide your through experiencing the change you want.

I offer on-off sessions and packages.

As someone who has studied systems constellations, systems design, and NLP (neurolinguistic programming), and is a student of many different self-knowledge systems (tarot, numerology, astrology, Destiny Cards, Human Design, Gene Keys, and others), I recognize that each individual has their own map of reality.

I've been a student of my own creative process for decades, overcoming many hurdles to now having published 17 of my own books, and having helped hundreds of writers complete their books.

In my over 20 years of experience of helping writers, I notice they usually stall or stop their writing for one or more of these reasons:

  • they have unrealistic expectations of what it means to be a writer and are super hard on themselves for not performing under those standards

  • they carry a lot of pain around being creative yet yearn for the flow they've experienced while being creative

  • they feel inadequate to their grand vision of their story

  • they're not sure if what they've written is any good, so why continue?

  • they don't have a writing process that works for them and don't know how to find it

Maybe you recognize yourself in one of these places... I'm sure there's more, as each of you are unique, and have your own set of strengths and weaknesses.

Know this... things can change for the better, and the hard stuff is real.

Firstly, have compassion for yourself.

Secondly, know that you are not alone.

And thirdly, if you'd like support and guidance, reach out for help.

That may be me or another person.

To support you, I am offering a special -- $99 for a Writing Process Assessment in January 2023.

Go here to pay and book a time:

Note: Openings starting January 2023. Only 10 slots available.


Where do you get your ideas? One simple strategy to keep the creativity flowing {Webinar}riend Shannon Borg will be exploring this topic and teaching a meditation to support the creative process in this free workshop, Saturday, December 10th from 10:00 to 11:00 a.m. Pacific.My friend Shannon Borg will be exploring this topic and teaching a meditation to support the creative process in this free workshop, Saturday, December 10th from 10:00 to 11:00 a.m. Pacific

My friend Shannon Borg will be exploring this topic and teaching a meditation to support the creative process in this free workshop, today, Saturday, December 10th from 10:00 to 11:00 a.m. Pacific.

Sign up and you'll get the replay, even if you can't attend live.

Shannon's material is always interesting and useful! I've co-taught with her and enjoy her insight and humanness. Enjoy!


Have a happy and creative week.



PS. A few spots are open in our group coaching program that includes discerning, tailored 1-1 support for the way you work. This is for you if you've finished your first draft and want to create a beta reader reader draft that you're proud of and you're excited to share with the world. Go here for all the details.

Early Enrollment for 2023 has now started. Enroll by Dec. 16, 2022, and get some cool bonuses.

PPS. You can also book a Discovery call if you're not sure which one of my offerings is ideal for you here.

Beth Barany
Creativity Coach for Writers

Teacher, Speaker, Workshop Facilitator

I not only teach and coach novelists, I am one too! 

Author of *Magical Tales of Romance, Mystery, and Adventure*


How To Write The Future podcast

The How to Write The Future podcast is for science fiction and fantasy writers who want to create optimistic stories because when we vision what is possible, we help make it so. Sign up today for your Story Success Clinic session and get promo for your books.



Tis the season! Need some Christmas fun sweet paranormal romance reads?

Then check out my short Hallmark-like romances here!


Sci-fi murder mysteries!

If you're in the mood for what one reviewer calls "an intriguing blend of mystery, sci-fi, and romance elements" the check out my sci-fi investigator series" here.


YA Action adventure epic fantasy!

"... very satisfying to read about a girl heroine fighting the good fight."

Read the Henrietta The Dragon Slayer series here!

Hi, I'm Beth Barany, fiction writing teacher, creativity coach, and novelist.

Here's my ABOUT:

Beth Barany is an award-winning science fiction and fantasy novelist, and certified creativity coach for writers, and runs the podcast, How To Write The Future.

She specializes in helping writers experience clarity, so they can write, revise, and proudly publish their novels to the delight of their readers. 
Her courses are packed with useful hands-on information that you can implement right away. Her transformational consulting sessions help you step into the author life you want with ease and joy.

She runs an online school for fiction writers, including a 12-month group coaching program to help them develop an editing practice and get published. 

More resources on publishing, book marketing, and novel writing are on her blog, for and by creative writers, Writer's Fun Zone
When she's not helping writers, Beth writes magical tales of romance, mystery, and adventure that empower women and girls to be the heroes of their own lives. 

For fun, Beth loves walking her hilly neighborhood, puttering in her garden, and watching YouTube videos about the space industry. Beth lives in Oakland, California with her husband, Ezra Barany, also a novelist, and their cats. 

Here be the legalese: In connection with the operation of this newsletter and business, Creativity Sparks includes affiliate links to trusted partners. Barany Consulting earns a commission from the Affiliate Links which commission is based on the number of sales that are made as a result of users of the Newsletter clicking over to the Affiliate Link and purchasing from the Affiliate Link a product and/or service. Thus endth the legalese.

live in the territory of Huichin, part of the stolen land of the Chochenyo Muwekma Ohlone, the successors of the historic and sovereign Verona Band of Alameda County.


I stand with people of Ukraine in their fight for freedom from oppression and the right to self-determine.

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