Subject: Wherever You Go, There You Are 💟

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Wherever You Go, There You Are 💟

May 27, 2022
Oakland, CA

Hi Friend,
Recently I watched a science video for kids that took me on an adventure to the edge of the universe and back, all in the span of 9 minutes and 54 seconds. (Video link

I loved it.

It brought the idea of positional awareness we studied in my NLP training (neurolinguistic programming) at NLP Marin

When I was a kid, I yearned to be a writer, be published, write fantastical stories, but all that felt impossible and far away.

From my place now as a published writer of fantastical tales, I look back at the yearning little girl, and I'm certain that impossible yearning brought me here.

When I turn to face the future and yearn for my next batch of impossible dreams, I have no idea how I'll get there.

But I know one thing: I reached for those impossible dreams and here I am, living them.

When you imagine yourself in a completely different place than you are now in, and put one foot in front of the other, showing up regularly for your dreams, they will eventually become real.

Not because of the dreaming. But because of the action. Today. And tomorrow, which will be a new today. And so on.

The other aha the fun science video reminded me of is that truth (what I consider real) is always in relation to something else. There are no absolutes in the universe. Everything is measured in relation to something else, to a point of reference.

When I published my first novel, Henrietta The Dragon Slayer, I was scared to market it. I was so focused on my vulnerability and how not many people would like my work.

One of my NLP teachers asked me, "How do you know that? What if there are lots and lots of people waiting for this book and they don't even know?"

I sat there, stunned, entertaining that idea.

Could it be possible? What if it was possible? Why not take the risk and find out?

What if I fail?

What if I succeed?

I realized then that the pain of never knowing was far greater than the pain of some people not liking my story.

By getting my work known in the world I was giving all those people a chance to discover it and possibly fall in love with Henrietta and her friends.

I could stand in a place of fear, frozen in that spot on the ground. Or I could shift my position to that of a novelist who was sharing her gifts with the world.

The teacher reminded me, I could always go back to the other position, if I wanted to. That was a freeing thought.

I leapt into this new position of sharing my novel. And I'm really happy I did.

Where are you now and where would you like to be with your book marketing?

Hit reply and let me know. Thanks in advance of sharing your thoughts with me!

Welcome or welcome back to the Creativity Sparks newsletter subscribers! 


Beth Barany here, your guide and creativity coach for writers. An award-winning novelist with three fiction series and five books for writers published, over the last 15+ years, I've helped hundreds of writers like you find success, peace, and satisfaction.


Here we help you build your successful and sustainable fiction author career on your terms. We also focus on actionable resources to help you create the change you desire.


Ultimate Writer Giveaway 

The team over at Infostack is giving away over $500+ in writing and editing software, coaching, $100 in Infostack credit (good towards their amazing bundles for writers), and more.

Plus, they’re giving away 10 books on writing every author should own, including:

1. The Emotional Craft of Fiction by Donald Maass
2. Story Genius by Lisa Cron
3. On Writing by Stephen King
4. Steering the Craft by Ursula Le Guin
5. Wonderbook by Jeff VanderMeer
6. The War of Art by Steven Pressfield
7. Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert
8. The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron
9. Everybody Writes by Ann Handley
10. The Elements Of Style By William Strunk


Have a happy and creative week! Happy Writing!

All my best,


P.S. Ultimate Writer Giveaway lasts for a few weeks. Sign up here.

I stand for peace and for freedom. I stand with the people of the Ukraine. My people. Ways to support Ukraine.

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Ready to talk to a writing coach who understands genre fiction?

I am here to help you experience clarity, have a clear road map of your next steps, and be that much closer to delighting your readers.

As a book coach, creativity consultant, and teacher, I help you find the place of stillness within and unlock powerful yet subtle transformations that lie in the pauses between the noise of your mind and of the world.

I can help you discover that you already have the means to express your unique and empowering stories with your novels, that you already have a creative process, and that you can harness your passion, persistence, and courage to transform the world one reader at a time.

Let’s work together to make that a reality.

You have been reading the Creativity Sparks Newsletter!

Now in its 16th year, this newsletter is a service of my coaching and consulting business, helping genre fiction writers write, market, and publish their novels to the delight of their readers.

Through courses, coaching & consulting, NLP sessionsa 12-month group program, and books. 

You may share this content intact and with no changes with this attribution:

c. 2006-2022 Beth Barany, Creativity Coach for Writers,


Beth Barany is creativity coach for writers, a teacher, workshop facilitator, and speaker,
 who helps fiction writers experience clarity, so that they can write and polish their novels, and proudly publish them to the delight of their readers.

Beth speaks to groups locally, online, and internationally. For more details and how to book, go here.

Owner of the Barany School of Fiction, an online training hub, Beth takes great interest in how humans learn, create, and grow, and includes all her students’ life experiences, including the ancestors, into the moment. 

Along with her husband, Ezra Barany, she offers a year-long group program to help novelists edit and publish their novels. See more here.

Want a course to help you prepare to write your novel? Discover the comprehensive Plan Your Novel course here to help you vision, brainstorm, and plan your next novel. Planning for panthers, who want some structure but no too much. A road map to guide you on your way to writing your novel. By the time you're done with this course, you'll be ready to write because you know where you want to go and are excited by it.

Want to take a class or get a consult, yet aren't sure what is the best option for you? Schedule a no-obligation chat with Beth here to explore your next steps. 

Beth Barany is also an award-winning novelist and writes magical tales of romance, adventure, and mystery to empower women and girls to be the heroes in their own lives. 

Uncover her Henrietta The Dragon Slayer series here (YA Fantasy),
her Touchstone series here (Fantasy/Paranormal Romance).

Barany School of Fiction

Writer's Fun Zone blog

Photo Credit: by c. 2018 Ezra Barany

sit in the territory of Huichin, part of the stolen land of the Chochenyo Muwekma Ohlone, the successors of the historic and sovereign Verona Band of Alameda County.
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