Subject: Resending! Ready for Your Beta Read, RED RUNNING DEEP, BOOK 4, Janey McCallister Mystery


Ready for Your Beta Read, RED RUNNING DEEP, BOOK 4, Janey McCallister Mystery

I'm re-sending this email in case you missed it. If you've already responded or you're not able to help out at this time, no need to read further. Thanks!

 Entire Book, RED RUNNING DEEP, ready for a Beta Read! đź’«

The Janey McCallister Mystery Book 4

by Beth Barany

Hi Friend,

Happy New Year to you and yours! :)

You're getting this email because at one time -- recently or some years back -- you agreed to be a beta or ARC reader for my novels or support spreading the word about my novels.

Thanks for your support! You rock!

I hope you and your family are well and staying safe in these crazy times.


Entire Book Ready for You

RED RUNNING DEEP, Book 4 in the Janey McCallister Mystery series is now ready for beta readers.

Because I know circumstances change, I'd love to hear directly from you if you have the time and energy to read my book by Tuesday, Feb. 1, 2022.

If this is you, just hit reply and tell what format you prefer: .docx, .doc, or PDF and I'll send it right over.

I'd love your feedback to my several questions by Tuesday, Feb. 1, 2022, if possible. Thanks!

Here are the questions -- Short answers are fine. (I'll send these to you again with the manuscript.)

This is a beta draft, not a final draft. Please keep that in mind. Your feedback will help me back this into a better book. 

1. At what point does the motivation or the actions of the characters seem unrealistic?

2. Where does the story get boring?

3. What was missing? What did you want more of?

4. So, what would make this a five-star story for you?

5. Did you feel attached to the characters?

6. [Optional. I have a proofreader.] Any line edits, like typos and grammar, would be great!

You can answer any or all. All feedback is helpful.

** By reading this book at the unpublished stage, you agree to keep this work confidential and not share it with anyone until the book is published. Thank you!

Q: Does it matter that I haven't read the first three book in this series?

A: This book has a stand-alone murder mystery, interesting to first-time readers. So, if you haven't read the 1st three books you'll still enjoy this one, but you may miss the impact of some of the subplots.

If you have any other questions, let me know!

Coming Next -- A Kickstarter Campaign!

I'm launching a Kickstarter campaign soon for Red Running Deep to support the printing and help spread the word.

As this book concludes a cycle, I want to bring attention also to all 4 books.

I feel so proud & sad that so much is wrapping up in this book and this 4-book cycle.

Please follow here to be notified when I launch, so you can be the first to receive the news:

Thank you so much for your support! You rock!

It's because of your support and spreading the word that I am able to continue on as a novelist.

All my best,


PS. You can let your friend know that RED RUNNING DEEP, due out March 22, 2022 -- already on preorder.

I've got ideas for more Janey McCallister Mystery stories...and plan to write Book 5 this fall. :)