Subject: I finished my first draft! Now what? Part 2

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I finished my first draft! Now what? Part 2

7 March 2017
Oakland, CA

Hi Friend,

This past weekend I finished the third novel in a 4-book series -- the first draft, mind you.

Now what?

What I really want to do is to breath deep and really feel it -- feel the accomplishment of what I've done. 

I just wrote 3 books (~50,000 words each) in 4 months. That is the fastest I've ever written 3 books.

Time to celebrate!

What are you celebrating right now?

You're a novelist. You know that I didn't just snap my fingers and voila have 3 books written.

It all happened step by step, 500 words here, 1,000 words there, and on some stretches of time (like during November and December) 3,000-word days. 

It's all worth celebrating. Every single step.

How will I celebrate?

By taking the time to read all three books, taking notes on the side (like I teach in my Edit Your Novel Bootcamp homestudy course), and daydreaming about Book 4.

And by enjoying my favorite gluten-free cookie at La Farine Cafe and Bakery with my coffee and looking out the window, daydreaming the answer to the question:

What do I want this series to be, really?

How do you celebrate your accomplishments? In what little ways or big ways will you take in what you just did?

I have a theory. That our ability to fully feel and experience the depths of our accomplishments (not everyone can write a novel -- it's an amazing thing we do!) is the extent to which we can have more of it.

More stories coming through us. More strength, resilience, and creativity to create new stories.

When I look back at the writer I yearned to be 19 years ago -- that young woman who finally sat down to work on her first novel and marveled at how hard it was to write just one scene -- I am so grateful that she started and persisted. And look where that persistence brought me.

I just finished my 15th novel. And that's amazing!

I'm in awe of the power of creativity and my ability to channel it in this way. It's a dream come true. A blessing and a gift.

And, I have so many more stories I want to tell. Will I be able to? I think so. As long as I show up regularly and do the work of putting my attention on my stories and writing, editing, revising, editing so more , etc. and sharing them with the world -- marketing and publishing.

What does your writing commitment look like to you? What support or allies do you need along the way?

Hit reply and let me know the answer. I'd love to hear from you.

Here's to you and your creativity!

Have a great week!

All my best,

PS. Twitter for Authors, Writer's Adventure Guide, and Overcome Writer's Block are on sale on Smashwords, this week only! All my fiction too. :)

PPS. Update! Change! Save the date: Wednesday, March 22, 2017! I'll be offering another webinar to help you with your fiction. Details coming soon!


March 22, 2017, 5:30pm, Save the Date for a new webinar. More details soon.

March 28, 2017: Story Structure Workshop at the DKA Fraternity, UC Berkeley.

April 3, 2017, 11:59pm PT: Deadline for the 1st Chapter Genre Contest. All the details here: 

May 1-31, 2017, I'll be teaching the online class, "Story Structure: An Essential Building Block of Your Craft. Learn more how to sign up here:

Lately I've been walking in the Mountain View Cemetery. If you walk up high enough this is one of the views you see: Downtown Oakland. I've been doing walking meditation, my favorite kind, in between finishing my third novel in my space station mystery series. Getting out and moving is so refreshing.

Beth Barany is creativity coach for writers and a teacher.

She also writes magical tales of romance and adventure. Check out her books here.

Support her mission to empower women and girls with her fiction here.

Read her latest book for writers, Twitter for Authors, here.

Barany School of Fiction

Writer's Fun Zone blog

Photo Credit: by c. 2014 Vivienne McMaster

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