Subject: Hi Friend, What is the difference that makes the difference?

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What is the difference that makes the difference?

March 5, 2015

Hi Friend, Hello from sunny California!

I hope you're keeping warm, for those of you in the storm belt. I'll send some sun your way!

As I get my mojo back for the season, I've been re-examining for myself: What is the difference that makes the difference?

I'll share more below on this intriguing question and my own response to it. 

A Heads up: Next week I'll share about my upcoming April course on 30-Day Challenge to Preparing Your Novel

   -- Enrollment is opening soon. 
   -- If you want to be sure to be notified when enrollment opens, go here: 
   -- Signing up will give you access to lots of goodies, a chance to enter a special giveaway that ends March 24th, and access to a 90-minute webinar on novel preparation tips. 

Also below is a reminder about a wonderful upcoming video summit for creatives.

BTW, I totally forgot to send my newsletter last week. Sorry about that. I got lost in editing land.

PS. Some of you wanted to see more of my intuitive paintings. I post them weekly here on Facebook and Instagram. Enjoy!

What is the Difference that Makes the Difference?

This question was first presented to me by two entrepreneur trainers, Jeff Slayter and Kane Minkus. I later found out that this question came from NLP (neurolinguistic programming or patterning), a field these two men brought into their trainings. I later went to train in NLP where these two trained.

What this question means to me is what one thing can I shift that will make the biggest difference.

One of NLP's foundational ideas is that anything can be taught if you break it down to its smallest piece.

I took this to mean that a small adjustment can lead to big changes.

What was the one change I wanted to make? I asked myself recently.

For me, it was getting enough sleep.

Getting enough sleep helps me have the energy to take my near-daily walk for my ruminating time, helps me make time and mental space for writing & editing, and gives me the oomph I need to support my clients and students. 

While I'm not always getting the 9+ hours of sleep I would like, I have been getting more sleep. I feel focused on what's important to me; all else is window dressing. My primary job is to take care of myself. Then I can easily take care of the rest. 

Focusing on this one thing -- getting enough sleep -- helps everything align effortlessly. (Yes, I still work with intent and focus, but the work doesn't feel hard.)

For you, what is the small change that will make all the difference? What could be the difference that makes the difference in your life?

Hit "reply" and share your thoughts with me. I look forward to hearing from you. 

Much appreciated with all you share with me

PS. I've been trained in NLP at NLP Marin (, in case you're curious. I highly recommend them.

Upcoming Video Summit for Creatives

For the last few years, Jennifer Lee runs a free summit for Right Brainers in Business.

Last year, I was a Spotlight guest and I listened to every lecture for the 10 days of the summit, and was super inspired and learned a lot.

I invite you to check it out because we novelists are creative entrepreneurs and can learn a lot from other creatives in other fields.

You can sign up for this free video summit here:

Dates: March 9-20, 2015

Some of the things you’ll learn from this fabulous line-up include:
  • How saying no to your business can create a big YES to what’s next

  • How to create a conscious and compassionate relationship with your money... It’s more right-brained than you may think!

  • How coming out of the spiritual closet can help your business boom

  • The power of starting small to become big and why listening to your customers (or in our case, readers!) is gold

  • How to diversify and maximize your moola-making methods over time

  • What to do when you reach a “meaning crisis” in your creative business

I can’t wait to “see” you there!

Get your free tix here:



More events from Beth Barany, Creativity Coach for Writers - land...

Saturday, March 7, 2015: Beth and Ezra Barany presenting at the 3rd Annual Day of the Book presented by JFK University, Pleasant Hill Campus, Pleasant Hill, CA. This free event is open to all. 

Join us! Cost: $20

7 Keys to Preparing Your Novel Before You Write

In this talk with bestselling authors and writing teachers, Beth and Ezra Barany, we will help you brainstorm the steps to create your novel – from character development to plot structure to story themes and world building — so that you can start writing your novel prepared. For beginning and advanced writers, we'll offer bite-sized exercises to help you stretch your imagination and get excited for the writing process.

♥ Week of March 9th, 2015: We're putting the final touches on the last quarterly issue of the Author Entrepreneurship Magazine, all about cover design for authors. 

Sign up here to be sure to get notified:

Sign up now to be notified when registration opens:

And get: 
  -- The “10 Questions to Ask Your Characters” tip sheet (PDF)
  -- An Audio Goodie
  -- A fun webinar to get an overview of the course, some surprise goodies, including a giveaway with prizes!

April 1st, 2015: Beth Barany is sponsoring a Genre Novel First Chapter contest as part of the San Mateo County Fair Literary Stage. 

This contest is open to writers worldwide. 

Polish your first chapter and send it in!
Entries due: April 1st, 2015.

To enter, fill out the application here:

Prizes, of course!
1st Place Winner: Author Coaching Package (3 sessions) valued at $450 
2nd Place Winner: One Author Coaching session (valued at $150)
3rd Place Winner: A signed copy of The Writer's Adventure Guide by Beth Barany 

Submit chapter one (max 3,000 words) of your unpublished novel of any one of these genres: Mystery, Suspense, Thriller, Fantasy, Science Fiction, Speculative Fiction. No: Romance, Horror, Erotica. (NO SYNOPSIS OR PROLOGUE). You must include a one-paragraph Elevator Pitch. Open to unpublished or self-published authors only.

NEW THIS YEAR MULTIPLE NOVEL CONTEST ENTRY OPTION: Work may be also submitted to the Division 350 Publisher’s Choice novel chapter contest, but must keep with this contest’s 3000 word limit (separate entry fee applies).

Rules posted here:

July 2015Branding for Romance Authors (& Other Genre Novelists): How to Create an Online Presence, Network Using Your Author Blog, and Craft a Content Plan. An online course via Outreach International, an RWA chapter.

Sign up here:

♥ October 2015: Writing Retreat in Paris, France.

All the juicy details here:

Email me if you'd like to join us for this 7-day writing adventure to the City of Lights. 

Enjoy my tips on travel & writing here:

If you have any questions about my author coaching, book marketing, or publishing services, just reply to this email and we'll help you out within 24 hours during business hours, Monday through Friday, when we're not on holiday.

All our best,
Beth & Ezra

Beth and Ezra Barany are award-winning, best-selling novelists, who have worked with over 100 authors to help them get their books written and published.

♥ Happily married for over 15 years, we’re passionate about writing, storytelling, and guiding authors to achieve their dreams.

We offer coaching and change work sessions, and book marketing coaching, including a social media and online platform assessment and cover design, for novelists. More at You can schedule an appointment here:

Photo Credit: by c. 2014 Vivienne McMaster
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