Subject: Hi Friend, Replay -- Special Webinar on How to Write a Novel in a Weekend

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Hello Friend,

Happy Saturday everyone! I'm about to step out to my capoeira class. Capoeira is a Brazilian martial art that I've been practicing for the last 14 months. I love it. I'm addicted to it. I need the movement, the music, and the physical intensity, so that I can step away from the writing, get energized, and get into my body. I feel so alive, and then can return to my creative work with renewed purpose and focus. What do you do to energize your body and inspire your creativity?

I'm super jazzed to remind you about the replay of my How to Write a Novel in a Weekend webinar.

The How to Write a Novel in a Weekend replay is available here. For one more day! 

image of How to Write a Novel in a Weekend with Beth Barany

(You can click on the image to view the replay.)
The webinar reached capacity with almost 800 registrants Tuesday! Wow! Thanks!

So if you weren’t able to join us, watch now as I reveal:

  • The key elements of a compelling plot
  • The benefits of knowing your characters inside & out.
  • How to organize your time to write your novel quickly.
  • How to sell your book to agents, editors, and most importantly, readers.
  • Plus, much more!

Many of those who attended said this was a “Value-packed” “Awesome!” “Powerful” online training, so please share with your colleagues and friends via social media. They’ll thank you for it!

As always, dedicated to your success,

Beth Barany
Award-winning novelist, Keynote Speaker, and Fiction Author's Coach

P.S. The webinar replay and special offer comes down this Sunday (October 6, 2013) at 11:59pm PST, so go ahead and watch the replay now.

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