Subject: Hi Friend, Replay -- Special Webinar on How to Write a Novel in a Weekend

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image of How to Write a Novel in a Weekend with Beth Barany

Hello Friend,

The How to Write a Novel in a Weekend replay is now available.

The webinar reached capacity with almost 800 registrants yesterday! Wow! Thanks!

So if you weren’t able to join us, watch now as I reveal:

  • The key elements of a compelling plot
  • The benefits of knowing your characters inside & out.
  • How to organize your time to write your novel quickly.
  • How to sell your book to agents, editors, and most importantly, readers.
  • Plus, much more!

Many of those who attended said this was a “Value-packed” “Awesome!” “Powerful” online training, so please share with your colleagues and friends via social media. They’ll thank you for it!

As always, dedicated to your success,

Beth Barany
Award-winning novelist, Keynote Speaker, and Fiction Author's Coach

P.S. The webinar replay and special offer comes down this Sunday at  11:59pm PST, so watch the replay now.

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