Subject: Hi Friend, On Finding Your Inner Guidance System so you can get back to writing

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Find Your Inner Guidance System

August 14, 2014

Hi Friend,

To our new subscribers, thanks for joining the Creativity Sparks newsletter and the Author Entrepreneurship Magazine for novelists who want to build successful and sustainable careers!

The photo is a snapshot from my new video series of me sharing about being a creative entrepreneur and practicing our art in the real world.

The first video of the series is here. Your comments are welcome!

Here at Creativity Sparks we focus on creating and publishing fiction and sharing it with the world.

There are two reasons why we focus on fiction and especially novels... 

Because when we travel into a novel we can come back home to ourselves.

Because novels are our gift to the world.

I'm passionate about helping authors bring their gifts out into the world. 

I help you write, publish and market your novels. More about that here on my Services page.

We specialize in helping independent authors shine!


I'm on a quest to deepen my spiritual practice, so that I find strength and resources when I'm lost, confused, and spinning my wheels.

I'm also on a quest to share what I learn along the way so that you may benefit as well.

I've started a before-bed writing meditation that I'll share soon. 

Today I want to share an exercise to get unstuck and gain clarity in editing my latest romance novella. =>

When you’ve lost your way, what do you do? When your inner guidance system seems offline, how do you reboot?

Lately, I’ve been spinning my wheels professionally and need lots of outside guidance. I talk out my challenges, problems, and stumbling blocks, and get reflected back at me how confused I sound. D’uh. I know that!

Still, it’s helpful for someone I know, trust, and respect to tell me that I lack clarity because I yearn for clarity and vision.

When I’m stuck in my writing, oh, like I am right now, I have to take a breath and consider what is exactly going on. I start with being upfront with my problem to myself, which also contains a description of the present state.

You can read the entire post here. (And see the pretty images I created.)

Or continue on for the rest of the article:

My problem: I need to be editing my romance novella right now, but I’m not. (Well, right now, I’m writing a blog post.)

We need structure to be able to hear ourself, hear our inner guidance system.

One of the best structures I have recently been using comes from my friend and mentor, Leslie Nipps, an NLP and Family Constellations practitioner. I’ve been studying with her for the last 5 months, and really like the Heart of Business she has us do at the start and end of every workshop.

She gives a great description and also instructions for the exercise here.

I have found the exercise described there very useful on a business level.

I’m going to use it now for my editing.

Before I do, I want to share with you a tool I use that helps me not freak out about what I’m not doing. Does that happen to you?

Part 1: What is

It’s called Acknowledge What Is. In our NLP training at NLP Marin, we call it “appreciate the present state.”

How do you do that?

I know, it’s hard to feel all zen and appreciate what is when inside you’re screaming and shouting and so upset it’s hard to even hear yourself.

That’s how I feel.

So then I say, “Okay.” Kind of like in poker when you say, “I see your hand and I raise you…”

It’s similar also to being in your sixth chakra and just noticing what you notice.

Or, it’s like being able to calm the screaming child within, with the strong presence of a safe adult who knows that children have tantrums. (I watched my 1-year-old nephew throw one today. He’s already putting himself in corner and crying his little heart out.)

Appreciating the present state or acknowledging what is, is just like that.

So I breathe and notice that I’m stuck in my story, and more that than, I feel the burden of all this work…

I ask myself, “What work specifically?”

>> Reading pages. (That’s easy. I like to read.)

>> Evaluating whether or not the prose works, i.e., creates an emotional impact in the way I want it to. (This part is SO hard for me to evaluate.)

But I know I need to step into this emotional impact before I can hand off the book to my waiting beta readers.

Part 2: What would you like?

Next step: Step into my Desired State.

I know my next step is to decide the emotional arc in the problem scene and make sure the scenes before and after make sense.

I ask myself, “How do I want my readers to feel and how do I want to feel in these scenes?”

Part 3: Change & Resolution

I review Leslie’s exercise. I want to visit the relationship between me and the story.

I notice I feel unsure and not quite up to the task. When I visit the story, I sense a desire to deepen into the emotion of this story, to feel it more. An image of the roses I use a lot in the story comes to mind. I want to heighten all the sensory details associated with the roses.

I step back into me, Beth, the fiction writer. I feel calmer. I’m curious about deepening into the story. I love roses, and I’m ready to focus on enriching the smell, texture, and visuals of my roses in my current work-in-progress that I call the Green Man story.

Beth Barany is an author’s coach and award-winning novelist. She’s on a quest to bring play and adventure to the writing process for herself and other writers.

How I Work With Authors

Many novelists come to me because they've stalled in writing their novel.

  • Perhaps you're at the beginning of your book, 10 pages in, and just don't know where to go next.

  • Maybe you've rewritten your book several times using NaNoWriMo, but nothing holds together, the drafts are disjointed, and the story doesn't seem to work. And you don't know why.

  • Perhaps you've written and self-published your books, but can't stand to think about marketing, let alone create a marketing plan, and you wish book marketing didn't feel so yucky and painful.

  • Or, you've been working on your novel by yourself and are not sure if your book is any good at all and wonder if all the time you put into your book was worth it.

If this is you, let's talk! Click here to schedule your complimentary Discovery Session now.


Course Starts Oct. 1st!

If you know this is right for you, you can sign up here.

If you want to join in the special free webinar I'm doing on Tuesday, August 26, 2pm Pacific, go here to sign up.
Friend, Here's to you and your dreams!


Beth Barany
Award-winning Novelist, Keynote Speaker & Creativity Coach for Novelists

PS. Feel free to share this newsletter with your friends via social media and/or email. Spread the love! And thanks!

PPS. You're welcome to connect with me on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Goodreads, or Pinterest.
Beth and Ezra Barany are award-winning, best-selling novelists, who have worked with over 100 authors to help them get their books written and published.

♥ Happily married for over 15 years, we’re passionate about writing, storytelling, and guiding authors to achieve their dreams.

We offer coaching, consulting, and book production services to authors. Contact us for a complimentary session today.
Barany Productions, 771 Kingston Ave., #108, Piedmont, California 94611, United States
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