Subject: Hi Friend, Early Bird Deadline for the Group Coaching program for Novelists ends tonight!

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Early Bird deadline for the Group Coaching for Genre Novelists ends tonight!

Take a Stand for Yourself
April 18, 2014

Hello Friend, 

My latest message for you and Early Bird deadline news! And a surprise contest for you!
Fierce Love: Take a Stand for Yourself

Today it came to me: I stand for taking a stand for my creativity and for yours.

Friend, Do you believe in yourself enough to invest the time, energy, and resources to be the novelist you dream to be?

Believe me, I know how scary it is. Here's something I've not shared with you before: I was afraid to become the novelist I dreamed to be because I was afraid of becoming crazy. All those voices in my head, you know?

My fear was this nebulous thing -- something I never really examined, just felt.

But when I reached the crossroads of my life -- I share more about that here -- I realized that despite my fears, I had to seize my dream and live it, actually take action on it. Or, let it go completely. I decided to take action and live my dream of being a novelist, even though it was super scary.

What is one thing you can do today to take action on your dreams of becoming and being a novelist?

I'd love to hear from you about how you have taken your one step today!

I know for some of you that has been signing up for our Group Coaching Program for Novelists. Congratulations for taking action on your dream of writing your novel! And happy-dance welcome!

Write me and share your next step.

Share it on Twitter and tag it with the hashtag: #writersuccess. You can also tag me: @beth_barany.

You can also share your ahas and discoveries on my Fan page here.

Surprise! Contest!
Ezra and I offered this contest to the Special Teleseminar peeps. I realized I wanted to offer it to the whole group, too. 

Here it is!

To enter this contest:

1) Watch our 3-minute video here;

2) Tell us the 3 benefits to being in a writing group;

3) And what fun surprise is at the end of the video? (Hint: It starts with a "B.")

4) Reply to this newsletter or email Beth at

5) Send in your reply by Friday, April 18, 6pm Pacific. We'll pick a winner at random using

The prize is a signed copy of Jennifer Lee's new book, Building Your Business the Right-Brain Way: Sustainable Success for the Creative Entrepreneur. (BTW, she's my business coach!)
What is your next step?

Ezra and I start the next group coaching program for genre novelists, May 1st.

Stop going at it alone! Get support, accountability, and resources, all in one supportive environment with your peers and experienced mentors.

Get the step-by-step help you need to write, publish, or market your genre novel with bestselling novelists who are also professional teachers, coaches, and mentors.

Let me tell you what we're going to do together!
  • Monday/Wednesday/Friday accountability prompts
  • Tip sheets, resources, and special resources on craft, plot, character development, genre-specific support
  • How to find editors/beta readers/critique partners
  • Monthly teaching/group coaching calls
  • And more!

All the sign up details are here:

FYI: If you know this program is right for you, the Early Bird sign up deadline is today, Friday, April 18th, 6pm.

Here's what one participant said:

   "Beth Barany’s coaching group program has been invaluable to me in the completion of the first draft of my manuscript. I wasn’t sure I would finish the work when I started, but once I began Beth’s program I was able progress at a steady pace. I took the course of study that included a bi-weekly review of sections of my work in progress, tri-weekly progress reminders/check-ins posted on the group page, a monthly tutorial call, and support from Beth, Ezra, and the fellow authors of the group through chat on the group page. This schedule helped keep me moving consistently forward in a supportive environment with no episodes of the dreaded block.
    "I met the goals I set for myself at the start of the program for finishing the first draft of an original YA fantasy manuscript that I am confident will be a wonderful book for my future readers to enjoy. I am continuing on with the course as I start another manuscript while I move through the process of polishing the first book in preparation for pitch and publication. Beth’s guidance has helped me find the words and methods to develop a set of characters with emotional depth that work through adventure, challenges, and conflict while experiencing personal growth as they move through the story arc." -- Patricia Watson

Let me know if you have questions! And Happy Writing!


Barany Productions, 771 Kingston Ave., #108, Piedmont, California 94611, United States
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