Subject: For you if you want to write screenplays - your screenplay superpower!

Fiction Writers, Tools and Events to Feed Your Creative Soul

For you if you want to write screenplays - your screenplay superpower

Hi Friend,


In case you missed it yesterday, my friend, WGA screenwriter Brooks Elms, has openings in his coaching program for screenwriters.

And he's inviting people who are curious into a short conversation.

If that's you, hit reply and say, "Yes! Ready!" and I'll connect you two.

Or, for more details about Brooks and his coaching program and results others have had, read on...

One of the benefits of working with Brooks:

  • You could adapt your novel into a screenplay with his program!

  • You could accelerate your screenplay career!

  • You could uncover your screenplay superpower and channel that into your stories!


Brooks Elms has written 40-plus screenplays in his career. But he hasn't stopped there! He's also sold screenplays, written for TV, and directed independent films. He currently has 3 projects with producers attached, including an Oscar-winning producer. And another producer is Brad Peyton, director of Netflix's new sci-fi epic, ATLAS, with Jennifer Lopez. Plus, Brooks has taught a screenwriting class at UCLA Extension.

While he liked that, he also felt limited by the hoops of traditional education.

He knew he could make a much bigger impact on writers.

That's when the idea was born -- he’d become an in-depth Life Coach for Screenplay Writers.

Part of the reason Brooks loves supporting screenwriters is that he’s learned so many lessons the hard way.

(I so understand the power of the school of hard knocks!)

Luckily for us, his lumps get turned into life lessons when he puts them to use for you -- saving you time and heartache.

That is thrilling for him. 

And bonus for us.

9 Step System

His simple 9 Step System shows you the way to find your own success in the same way he’s sold his own screenplays and taught hundreds of writers. But with your own style.

He shows you the most direct path to your unique success.

And no, that doesn't mean shortcutting the work.

It means taking the right steps in the right way with the right people.

"I spent years wandering until I found my Superpower and taught myself how to share that with large audiences - and THAT'S when Hollywood paid attention and bought my scripts. If I had hired a coach like me, I would have jumped 5 years ahead in my career in 5 months," Brooks says.

Some Program Results

One of his clients won the coveted Nicholl Fellowship (top 5 scripts out of 7300). (A big deal in the industry!)

"The seeds Brooks plants in your subconscious will help you blossom into the writer you want to become -- a writer who strives for greatness."

  • Vanar Jaddou, Nicholl Fellow 2020

And the professional milestones crossed include writers finding representation, getting producers attached to their scripts, and being hired for writing assignments.

So here's his super cool (free) offer for you...

If you're ready to level up your screenwriting game, Brooks is offering you a 30-minute complimentary 1:1 Coaching Session where he'll listen to where you want to go in Hollywood and help you strategize the best way to get there.

He helps you with any facet of screenwriting: Craft, Career, and Mindset.

I'll personally introduce you to Brooks to schedule your free coaching sessions. Just say “yes! ready.”


Not quite ready yet?

Then, check out what these writers shared about working with Brooks:

"Saying yes to Brooks was as easy as walking through an open door and making a monumental shift at the same time. His system really is as fun as he makes it sound. I’ve fallen in love with writing again."  

  • Sonja Henrici, Producer & Screenwriter

"The screenplay I created in Brooks' program gets consistently high ratings from industry pros. One reviewer said it was the best script he'd read in two months, and the way I'd structured the scenes shows I'm an experienced screenwriter. I was delighted, as it was the first screenplay I've written, which demonstrates I learned more in 5 months with Brooks that I would have in 5 years on my own."

  • Heather McQuaid, Screenwriter

"Answer the Call is an inspired road map for screenwriting. Brooks' step-by-step system helped me write the screenplay that stayed stuck in my head for years. And what's more, he put me deeply in touch with my life purpose."

  • Michael Leo Witt, Screenwriter

Want to see what even more people say about working with Brooks? Check out more testimonials here.


Feeling ready to try a coaching session with Brooks now?


I'll personally introduce you. Happy to.

It's through warm connections that I've grown my career -- one of my superpowers -- and I want to pass on this connection to you.

Just reply with “yes! ready.”


And if you're not ready, enjoy these short snippets of my interview with Brooks:

The difference between a script consultant and a life coach for screenwriters

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Bringing your audience in - getting feedback

Youtube | Instagram

Happy Writing!



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The world needs all of our stories. Yes, yours.


Beth Barany
Creativity Coach for Writers

Teacher, Speaker, Workshop Facilitator

Creativity is the answer.

I not only teach and coach novelists, I am one too! 

Author of *Magical Tales of Romance, Mystery, and Adventure*

Award-winning science fiction & fantasy novelist.


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Beth Barany is an award-winning science fiction and fantasy novelist, and certified creativity coach for writers.

She specializes in helping writers experience clarity, so they can write, revise, and proudly publish their novels to the delight of their readers. 

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