Subject: Will 2017 Be Harder for You Than 2016 Was?

Will 2017 Be Harder for You Than 2016 Was?
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It's intense out there ladies! The only way you wouldn't know that is if you had your head buried in the sand ... purging is of utmost importance at this time along with staying balanced, aligned, attuned and keep yourself out of the drama that is playing out right now. Doing this will assure that you will have nothing to worry about.

It is a battle but here's the thing ... if you take care of yourself, if you make the highest choices for yourself, if you choose to treat others with love and respect, if you always do your best in choosing the highest path available to you ... If you stay out of fear … you are doing your part because the fact is you cannot do anything to change someone else. You have no ability to change their beliefs, their thoughts, their patterns, their wounds, their past ... nothing. Only they can do that. It is their internal wiring that is driving their behavior, their story, their life. The only thing you can do is take care of yourself and lead by example. Let go of your stories, your limitations, your scripts, your outdated beliefs, your fears … and only then will you begin to see the magic, the possibilities and the potential that anything is possible.

We are going to continue to see chaos, disruption and destruction ... but you don't have to play a part in that. You can make the choice to be a responsible creator of your reality knowing that it will be supported by Higher Sources if your intentions are of a positive nature. If you continue to use fear to power your life it's a waste of energy and because it is destructive and irresponsible you won't be supported by higher sources as this energy that you extending out the universe is not compatible any longer. The frequencies permeating the earth plane are at the highest levels they have ever been at and they no longer support lower, dense, erratic energies. This is why you are seeing the chaos … people are trying to create their reality from an old space that no longer is supported. They are being forced to change or to suffer greatly.

So if you continue to create from fear energy … or lack or scarcity or doubt or intimidation or unworthiness or whatever YOUR imbalance is … you absolutely will not get anywhere either. All you are doing is creating these little record grooves that loop and loop on automatic repeat recreating the same hamster wheel effect of not getting anywhere because you are creating from a place of fear and when you do this you are being quarantined from the higher vibrational energy field of the fifth and higher dimensions. You can liken it to being cut off from Source. You ain't got no support no more.

If you were following my work before I went offline … I repeated the fact that there would be a time when this would happen. I stressed the importance of getting the internal work done, getting the help you needed to fix the pain, to raise your vibration and to move out of the old reality. That is why I held masses of energy healing sessions for both personal and group work. To help as many people as I could shift as much as possible before this time frame that we are now entering.

The new frequencies that are now here do not support fear, separation, lack, scarcity doubt, etc. It isn't compatible and the only way to make it compatible again is that you must do your internal work. You must get yourself back online to this newer reality or your life is going to continue to be a train-wreck. Sooooo turn the fucking TV off and do the most important thing you can do for yourself and that is evolve … raise your vibration and conscious awareness. You didn't come here to be programmed and controlled like a fearful puppet so let me repeat … turn off the television and get rid of all the negative minded, aggressive, non-supporting people and things that are in your life and move in a new direction. Open your mind to a reality far better than the one you are currently residing in. It awaits you … however the only way you are going to find it is by removing all the fear and limitations you have within you.

If you continue to use negative and fearful energy to create your reality … you will automatically be put in lock down, you will be put in quarantine and life will be friggen miserable for you. Everything is happening so fast right now that what you put out there is coming back to you and it doesn't matter of which vibration you offer … you will get it back. The only difference is if you get support from higher sources or not. If you offer negative energy you will not be supported. If you offer higher vibration energy, if you are in balance, if you are in alignment you will be supported. It's just that simple.

If you haven't woken to the fact that we create our realities from inside than 2017 will be even harder for you to experience than 2016 was.

You can know if you are in alignment by how you are feeling and what you are experiencing in your outside world. These are telltale signs to show you if you are creating from a place of balance or from a place of being out of balance. It's just that simple. If you feel horrible and you are not getting the results you want … you are trying to create from a place of fear, of aggression, of lack, limitation, separation. If you feel light and happy and things are going smoothly for you and turning out as expected then you are in alignment and you are creating from a place of love, of balance, of unity, of peace. You are being supported by higher sources.

So if you can really grasp the idea that everything that is happening in your life is happening because of what is going on inside of you then you'll start to understand that there is nothing outside of yourself that can effect you in a negative capacity. Of course you can choose to blame everything and everyone outside of you as being the cause of your problem but the fact is … it's not, they aren't. YOU are the source of the problem. Fix it and your reality recreates itself.

Everything is created from within … so if you've got chaos going on in your life … what chaos is going on INSIDE of you?

Now the beauty of the energy that we are now in is that when you find what needs to be healed you do not have to go through a long drawn out healing process like we use too. All that is required is you acknowledge, release, surrender, forgive and the healing will happen almost instanteously now. So don't be afraid to look at your stuff. Be honest, turn and face it head on, dig in deep and kick it to the curb. The transformation you will be able to achieve at this time is supported by this new energy and therefore spontaneous healing can and will happen. So when the negative shit shows up do not be afraid of it. Breathe, chill out, be okay with it, let go of the stories attached to it, let go of the drama attached to it. Just accept it for what it is and then take the time to figure out how you created it and then it will be transformed. All that is required of you is that you just show up. Allow yourself the time and space to connect and tap into your internal world so that everything falls into place easily and effortlessly. Things will just fall in place. You'll receive the ideas, the downloads, the inspiration. You'll be in the right place to meet the right people. You'll be place on the path to receive the right help, the right tools. Be open to all this. Be in the flow. Connect within.

It's so important to stop looking outside of yourself believing that something "out there" is the cause of your unhappiness or your happiness. No. It always is created and starts from within.

I have been absent from the online world for a long time now. I haven't been able to maintain consistency. I only came on sporadically when I felt compelled from an inner space to reach out to others. I'm re-entering my passion with new healing tools. It is time. I'm re-entering the matrix. I'm being called to come back online. I'm being called to enter active duty once again.

That is why I am here … to be of service to you at a time where chaos and confusion is rampant.

I have a very Special Offer if you are ready to uncover what is weighing you down and holding you back from moving onward and upward in your life unfortunately it is limited to just 20 people so act fast … go here and get all the details - 

Stay Fab!
Lisa Whatley, xoxox

Infinity Light Healing, RR1, Mount Elgin, Ontario N0J 1N0, Canada
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