Subject: Unnatural Energetic Seals that Inhibit Your Conscious Expansion

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  Cutting Edge Energy Healing, Clearing and Activations to Awaken Your Full Potential!

The Unnatural Energetic Seals Inhibiting Your Conscious Expansion are Called the J-seals

Due to high demand I have re-opened my calendar to add 10 more spots!

The J-seals also known as the Jehovian Annunaki Death Seals are unnatural, inorganic, destructive death implants that are located in the multidimensional anatomy of all humans that cause physical, mental and emotional problems and as if that isn’t enough, the bigger picture, is that they prevent the DNA from activating properly which results in the gradual unnatural death of the physical body, but wait, before that happens you get to stumble around for years before you die feeling lost, disconnected, empty and alone because they also prevent you from connecting with your Higher Identity! They block your natural psychic ability which keeps you dumbed down and stuck in third dimensional awareness which prevents you from taking advantage of the ascension cycle - that is now upon us.


**** Limited Offer SAVE $118 in HIGH DEMAND ****
Due to high demand I have re-opened my calendar to add 10 more spots.

Telephone or Distance Healing Death Seal Removal Clearing Session

It’s time you got these implants taken care of and when YOU SIGN UP for a Personal J-seal Removal Session we will work together to remove the J-seals from your immediate family members too!

These sessions can be done via the telephone (you call me) or as a distance healing session - the choice is yours. For more information visit the J-seal Removal Page.


J-Seal Implant Removal is Extremely Important and a MUST for Human Evolution

Everyone is born with the energetic distortions in the human body known as unnatural seals. These seals were NOT created by Divine Source.

Eons ago, fallen intruder races called Jehovian-Annunaki implanted the J-Seals in the planet’s grid which subsequently created reverse mutation genetics for the human being. This was done intentionally to digress our DNA which resulted in a full disconnection from our higher reality fields, limiting our awareness, limiting all our multi-dimensional abilities. It was meant to destroy our Silicate Matrix Template (the original human genetic imprint) permanently, stripping away our divine inheritance and our ability to ascend and evolve.

We have purposely been cut off from knowing our Higher Identity, the true structure of our multi-dimensional anatomy and the means by which we can expand our awareness and transmute our DNA / biology beyond the limitations of 3-dimensional reality. These distortions have prevented us the ability to embody the DNA Resurrection Codes and the Ascension Codes in order to transmute or leave the lower planetary consciousness fields of reality experience. It is time to awaken from the hologram of our genetically imposed mortality and reclaim our eternal nature and finally re-enter the space-time matter fields of higher evolution and beyond.

The removal of the unnatural seals is a step in that direction.

The human DNA imprint has been functioning below its capacity for thousands of years which has served to block the intended processes of higher identity embodiment through which the conscious awareness would naturally expand into multi-dimensionality.

The human genetic imprint was originally designed to hold 12 dimensions of consciousness, which is the embodiment of a full Avatar Identity that was exemplified 2000 years ago by Jesus. It is designed to manifest 12 strands of operable DNA which allows for perception and embodiment of, and bodily transmutation-transmigration through, 12 dimensional fields and their corresponding levels of matter density. The Silicate Matrix IS the HIDDEN evolutionary potential that presently lies dormant WITHIN the human genome.

It is time we reclaim our birthright of the Silicate Matrix Template.


**** Limited Offer SAVE $118 in HIGH DEMAND ****
Due to high demand I have re-opened my calendar to add 10 more spots.

Telephone or Distance Healing Death Seal Removal Clearing Session

These sessions can be done via the telephone (you call me) or as a distance healing session - the choice is yours. For more information visit the J-seal Removal Page.


Jehovian-Annunaki designed the J-seals to drag earth and all of its life forms into the Phantom Matrix, their matrix, in order to fulfill their agendas of continually recycling us for food and to use us for their resources. When the J-seals fully activated (they started to activate in the year 2000) it causes biological death with the astral body consciousness being drawn into the Phantom Matrix. In other words they were intentionally created for the specific purpose of sucking earth and all its inhabitants into a Shadow Earth that will descend. Do NOT go into fear with this information. Becoming consciously aware of what has purposely been hidden from you only empowers you to take positive action for yourself.

What is hidden manipulates.
What is exposed no longer has power.

The 7 unnatural seals are located on the left side of the human body, the 7th axiatonal line that feeds our energetic meridian system and the feminine aspects of ourselves. They cause the progressive and unnatural deterioration of the mental, emotional and physical bodies and sometimes the energetic block will manifest itself as a severe illness.

Have you noticed that most of the physical problems that people have are on the left side of their body?

These seals are responsible for many of the pains and problem areas that people have on the left side of their body because these seals affect the energetic circulatory system of the body. Once these seals are removed, in most cases, the problems dissipate because it helps to restore your Original Organic Imprint for Health.

Seal 1 – Left Side, Top Skull
Seal 2 – Left Lung, Heart, Left Knee
Seal 3 – Pineal Gland
Seal 4 – Left Lymph Nodes, Left side of Neck
Seal 5 – Left Thigh, Buttock
Seal 6 – Left Shoulder, Skull Base
Seal 7 – Left Side of Neck, Aorta Artery

If you have been having problems in the above areas it could be due to these death seals.

One of the most important seals to remove is the one in the pineal gland, as this blocks the natural activation of the pineal and prevents one from accessing their higher levels of consciousness.

This is the main reason most people have limited psychic skills and cannot connect to their higher self.

If this is difficult for you to believe, you will be able to when you feel them being released from your body in the exact areas mentioned above during our session together.

The removal of J-seal three has had quite noticeable effects for many people as they have been able to access their higher senses for the first time ever. Some that didn’t remember their dreams, began to experience them. Some people stated that they normally dreamt with shadowy, unclear visions almost like looking through a screened window and their dreams have now turned to vivid, colourful images. Others are communicating with their Higherself receiving visions and daily guidance.

The list is endless on the possibilities that can be opened for you.


**** Limited Offer SAVE $118 in HIGH DEMAND ****
Due to high demand I have re-opened my calendar to add 10 more spots.

Telephone or Distance Healing Death Seal Removal Clearing Session

These sessions can be done via the telephone (you call me) or as a distance healing session - the choice is yours. For more information visit the J-seal Removal Page.


Apart from the J-Seals there are other implants and seals which affect your DNA template. These seals and energetic implants also include Metatronic Implants, the Templar Seal, the Templar Axiom Seal, the Cell Death Programs (Apoptosis), the Crown of Thorns, the Zeta Seal and the Tower of Babel Seal. Together, we will attempt to clear all of these PLUS the seven seals in one session together.

Visit this page to keep reading more about these nasty implants ... 

So to sum this up, since humanity has been disconnected from our original divine template, the majority of us have no idea why we are here, what our purpose is as we have no guidance from our Higherself so basically we are lost, walking aimlessly around only to die young and then have to come back and do it all over again, yet biological death is NOT natural to our Angelic Human DNA or Indigo DNA templates. We are meant to biologically ascend which is the drawing in of light to transform the body into light. We were not designed to be stuck here in third dimensional reality.


**** Limited Offer SAVE $118 in HIGH DEMAND ****
Due to high demand I have re-opened my calendar to add 10 more spots.

Telephone or Distance Healing Death Seal Removal Clearing Session

These sessions can be done via the telephone (you call me) or as a distance healing session - the choice is yours. For more information visit the J-seal Removal Page.


See YOU on the inside!

Lisa Whatley - xoxox

The Dark Side of the Law of Attraction
by Lisa Whatley (C) February 2015

Ever thought about the dark side of the Law of Attraction?

The law itself says that what we deeply resonate with down at the subconscious level we attract to ourselves in a synchronistic way.

So how does this law work in everyday life even if we aren't consciously focusing upon it?

Let's say you hold a deep seated fear of being cheated on in your relationship, a kind of fear that gnaws at you all the time, it's always on your mind perhaps driving you to "look" for evidence of this betrayal.

Now go back to what the law says, what we deeply resonate with down at the subconscious level we attract to ourselves.

This deep seated fear that you carry of a cheating partner can cause that very situation to manifest in your life for you to experience.

That's the dark side of the Law of Attraction.

People with low self-esteem and lack of self-confidence may attract abusers and bullies to themselves.

That's the dark side of the Law of Attraction.

The examples are endless ... and that is why it is taught to focus your attention (thoughts and actions) only on the things you do want to appear in your life however that alone is not enough. It is time to apply the Law of Awareness because what is hidden manipulates however when once exposed it no longer has power.

Start to use the Law of Awareness to your advantage by being aware of the thoughts you entertain. Be aware of the victim mindset - paranoia, fear, desperation, obsession, loss, scarcity, lack, etc. All those hidden thoughts have the ability to negatively manipulate your life experience however as you start to become aware of them and take action against them they will no longer have power over you or your life experience.

Reminder, the law of attraction states what?

That what I deeply resonate with down at the subconscious level I attract to myself.

So if you have a victim mindset, you have a strong sense of powerlessness which attracts the situations that make you feel even more powerless and you consciously decided that you didn't want that. That's the beginning phase of the Law of Awareness in action. You consciously decided you no longer wanted to experience powerlessness.

Now to truly put to action the Law of Awareness you must take the time to consciously listen to the thoughts you entertain. This allows you to become very aware of what you want to attract or what you want to block.

Now armed with this information you have the ability to consciously apply the two laws by applying the opposite of victim mindset and invoke within yourself a feeling of protection, confidence, power, and stability.

You block by using the Law of Awareness.
You attract by using the Law of Awareness and the Law of Attraction.

As always, stay fabulous!
Lisa Whatley -- xoxox

PS: Always remember - 
        “The Key to Self Mastery IS Within ... Where Freedom Reigns!"

FREE Guided Meditation Videos

Divine Blessings Guided Meditation
Lisa guides you through a journey to receive divine blessings that are for your highest good and your soul's evolution.

Manifest Your Dreams Guided Meditation
This brief guided meditation will connect you with a Divine Angel of Light named Francesca. She will assist you in making a wish come true!

Trust in Life Guided Meditation
A journey through a forest where you will root yourself into the core of mother earth which allows you to become fully grounded so you can trust in life and bring about a new found joy into your life along with a greater self confidence.

Divine Heart Energizer Guided Meditation
The Divine Heart Energizer Journey is more than just a guided meditation. It's a powerful healing tool that has high frequency energetic infusions of light encoded into the recording along with affirmations to assist you in reprogramming your mind with positive intentions. The guided imagery allows you to view the possibilities of your perfect life along with taking some time to offer forgiveness in order to receive all the divine blessings in life that are rightly yours. 

Infinity Light Healing, RR1, Mount Elgin, Ontario N0J 1N0, Canada
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