Subject: Last Call for Dirt Cheap Healing Sessions

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  Cutting Edge Energy Healing, Clearing and Activations to Awaken Your Full Potential!

Last Call for Dirt Cheap Healing Sessions

Who else wants to dump their life junk with dirt cheap healings?
Read on ... 

Are you suffering with stress, low energy, low vitality?
Is your health declining - sickness and disease? 
Are you interested in re-claiming your life? 

Can you imagine dissolving away your limitations ... maybe even instantly?

Today we are living in one of the most exciting times to be alive but one
of the most challenging too! The amount of personal chaos in many of our lives is at an all-time high right now so I am offering my hand, my heart and my healing expertise to help as many people as I can to clear, heal and raise their vibe so they can move into the next chapter of their life a little easier and with a little more grace and peace.

Are you interested in feeling more alive, engaged and connected with life?
You won't want to miss this amazing opportunity then!

Normally these healings go for $397 but I was inspired by my Spirit Healing Team to reduce the fee to only $65.

Yes, you read that right, $65!

And just one energy healing, just one energetic shift has the potential to shift your life. Imagine the difference that could make to your life.

But the question remains ... 

Are you TRULY ready to open your heart to unlimited possibilities?
Are you TRULY ready to dump your life junk?
Are you TRULY ready to reclaim your health and happiness?

Do you BELIEVE within your heart that those are choices that you can make?
Most people say they do but in truth they don't believe they have that option.

Now ponder on this thought.
Life isn't about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself.

Now that's an interesting and totally different way of looking at your situation.

You ARE the master of your life and you live in a free-will universe so what exactly are you waiting for? It's a sad fact that too many people go through life waiting for things to happen instead of making them happen. 

Life won't wait for you. You know that so seriously ... why are you waiting? What reason do you tell yourself that you aren't good enough and don't deserve the best that life has to offer?

I invite you to recognize your power to choose and your power to change.
Create a different present and a different future.


To purchase, simply REPLY BACK to this email 

In the email, tell me how many healings you wish to purchase and we’ll get your healings all set up! You'll receive an invoice via PayPal which can be paid even if you don't have an account with them. 

Click REPLY now because this offer disappears TODAY Saturday, May 30th at 12 Midnight EDT

Many Blessings! xoxox
Lisa Whatley, hostess of

PS: Healing comes when you choose to walk away from the darkness in your life and that doesn't mean the damage never existed. It simply means that you are choosing to no longer allow the damage to control your life. That's empowerment.

PSS: Perhaps you are frustrated because you keep waiting for the flowers to bloom but you haven't yet sown the seeds.

PSSS: A Few Rules:

1. This offer is open to everyone – zero exclusions.

2. If you aren’t suffering from personal chaos at this time – this offer is still open to you and congrats for dodging the bullet this time around! :)

3. You can purchase UP TO 5 healings in total for one person which means each person can receive 5 healings in total for themselves.

4. All healings purchased must be used before the end of 2015 or they become null and void.

5. Once payment has been made, this service CANNOT be credited back to the purchaser. Make sure you are committed to receiving a healing!

6. The healings are 30 minutes and I cannot control what healing takes places. That is entirely up to your Higherself so you’ll get what is best for you at the time of our session together.

7. You get to choose if you want a telephone connection or a no-connection distance session.

8. You will call my office at the agreed upon time if you choose a telephone connection. 

Infinity Light Healing, RR1, Mount Elgin, Ontario N0J 1N0, Canada
You may unsubscribe or change your contact details at any time.