Subject: I'm Not Willing to Leave You Behind ...

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  Cutting Edge Energy Healing, Clearing and Activations to Awaken Your Full Potential!
Did you see this? 
I just wanted to be sure so I'm delivering it to you again because 
I'm Not Willing to Leave You Behind!

Read on ...

The Healing Ripple Effect

I'm on a mission to help as many people as I can transform their lives so that the healing ripple reaches out and touches each person that they surround themselves with so a wave of transformation flows around the world! 

The absolute beautiful thing of the healing ripple effect is once you begin to work on healing yourself you raise your own vibration and as you raise your own vibration you impact the vibrational level of those around you and your environment. So by changing yourself you present others around you with the opportunity to do the same. 

That's why I LOVE the healing ripple effect!

There's something that I would like to point out though. Most often people will complain that they don't like the behavior of their spouse, their kids, their neighbors, their family members, their co-workers, etc. and the first thing they want to do is change the other person. 

Of course this seems to be the natural way to fix something but the truth is that's just not the way it works. You can't change anyone. Sure you can manipulate them by telling them that you will leave the relationship if they don't do as you say, you can ground them to get their behaviors to change but this will not produce the lasting effects that you would truly desire.


The problem lies within yourself. 

So since these people may have temporarily changed due to some threat you've given them you will continue to see these same exact problems popping up in other people, everywhere. It may even become magnified to really get under your skin! 

In order to affect change in your life permanently you need to start with the source of your reality ... yourself. If you want to change what you are experiencing then you have to dig deep within and change the source of it.

Every choice we make leads us in one of two directions. Toward a future that inspires us with possibility or toward a past that holds us back and limits our happiness.

It's time to take full responsibility for your reality. Everything you are experiencing you created it. You attracted it to yourself so you could experience it for whatever growth it would provide you. 

If you truly understand that it is YOU that is attracting what happens in your life then you'll come to the realization that it is YOU that can change whatever it is that you no longer want to experience.

So let me ask you, 

Have you attracted stress, low energy, low vitality into your experience?
Have you attracted declining health - sickness and disease into your experience?
Have you attracted aches and pains into your experience?
Have you attracted nightmare relationships into your experience? 
Have you attracted lack into your experience? 

What experience have you attracted into your life that you would like to shift?

Can you imagine dissolving away these limitations ... maybe even instantly?

And let's not forget about the healing ripple effect! 

You will be making a huge difference in your own life because you'll begin to feel amazing, have less stress, have more energy, your pain may disappear forever, your relationships will improve, money will start to flow to you! The possibilities are endless because your choices are unlimited. Now just imagine all this change happening in your life, imagine the positive uplifting effect it will have on your loved ones too! You do the work and they benefit, what a bonus! See why I love the healing ripple effect? It is EMPOWERING.

Are you interested in re-claiming your life?

For a limited time, I've brought back the dirt-cheap healing fee of only $79!
My regular fee is $397 so you don't want to miss this opportunity.

During our distance session together I'll be using my own Special Brand of Energy Healing and Spirit Communication! Just one energy healing, just one energetic shift has the potential to shift your life. Imagine the difference that could make for you.

But the question remains ... 

Are you TRULY ready to open your heart to unlimited possibilities?
Are you TRULY ready to dump your life junk?
Are you TRULY ready to reclaim your health and happiness?

Do you BELIEVE within your heart that those are choices that you can make?
Most people say they do but in truth they don't believe they have that option.

Life isn't about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself.

You ARE the master of your life and you live in a free-will universe so what exactly are you waiting for? It's a sad fact that too many people go through life waiting for things to happen instead of making them happen. 

Life won't wait for you. You know that so seriously ... why are you waiting? What reason do you tell yourself that you aren't good enough and don't deserve the best that life has to offer?

I invite you to recognize your power to choose and your power to change.
Create a different present and a different future.

To purchase, simply REPLY BACK to this email! 

For a limited time, I've brought back the dirt-cheap healing fee of only $79!
My regular fee is $397 so you don't want to miss this opportunity.

These are distance healing sessions which means no office visit, telephone or internet connection is required between us. I work with the higher aspect of yourself and your Higher Spirit Team. I create a special link between us by tapping into your unique energy signature using my own sixth sense in connection with my own Higher Spirit Team. Once we (you, me and our Spirit Teams) are all fully connected I begin to receive impressions and messages and then the energy work begins. We clear, balance and heal your energy bodies also “infusing" your energy body with transformative high-frequency energies that will help release and clear all the dense or lower based discordant energies which assists in shifting the blocks in your field. All of this is shared with you via email once the session has been completed. 

In the reply email, tell me how many sessions you wish to purchase and we’ll get your healings all set up! You'll receive an invoice via PayPal which can be paid even if you don't have an account with them.

Click REPLY now because this offer disappears Sunday, June 21st at 12 Midnight EDT

Many Blessings! xoxox
Lisa Whatley, hostess of

Infinity Light Healing, RR1, Mount Elgin, Ontario N0J 1N0, Canada
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