Subject: 1800 Very Powerful Energetic Healing CDs Were About to be Trashed

Yes, 1800 of my Very Powerful Energetic Healing CDs Were About to be Trashed but Instead Inspired by a SUCCESS STORY Right NOW You Can Get Them at a Discounted Price!

Today as I was about to throw hundreds of CDs into the recycling bin, I “unexpectantly” ran across an old email from a lady named Kathy who shared with me her personal SUCCESS story.

Coincidence? I think NOT!

Divine Intervention? Oh YES, absolutely!

But let’s start from the beginning.

A number of weeks ago a MASSIVE mistake happened within the production of quite a few titles within the Powerful Rejuvenating, Restorative, Strengthening, Activating, Clearing, Releasing Energy Healing CDs that I created and have been successfully selling since 2003. First off, I had just re-created new covers so I was super excited to see the finished product when they arrived!

Anyways long story short, I had just spent the first portion of 2015 upgrading every single title with the 528 hz frequency, theta wave and new super relaxing soul music not to mention entirely new energy frequencies. I was super-vibed-up to have the full finished product in my hand and couldn’t wait to share this with you!

The NEW finished product IS absolutely amazing! There’s no doubt in my mind about that especially since all of my audio creations have been huge successes BEFORE the new additives.

Now I’ve made them even more powerful than ever! Check this out …

The 528hz frequency has the means to restore human consciousness
to its full power and potential. It’s the love frequency! It is the harmonic vibration that can lift your heart to be in harmony with heaven and I’ve blended this amazing love frequency into a sacred marriage with the restorative, rejuvenating, activating, transmuting and clearing energies that I have encoded into each CD for very specific purposes along with the theta wave which has the potential to deeply relax your mind and body allowing for the optimal mental state where you can consciously create your reality. All of these transformational vibrations encoded into heavenly soul lifting, high vibing, amazing new music. We are talking superb works of know-how, expertise, mastery, creativity, imagination, knowledge and craftsmanship mixed with a whole lot of divine inspiration, love and healing!

Seriously, this is the finest, top-notch audio energy healing that you’ll own and all at your very own fingertips! YOU become the healer by pushing play whenever you want. It’s healing on your terms and exactly when you want and need it. How cool is that?

You get to push play to relax your mind and body allowing these intelligent effective energies to wash over your entire being, bringing these phenomenal impressive high quality frequencies into every aspect of who you are, transforming your energetic structure for deep, deep mind, body, emotion and soul healing … it just couldn’t get any easier than that.

And I was about to trash 1800 of them when I received divine inspiration by accidentally running across an old email. This light bulb moment is why I sent out this newsletter to half my list yesterday afternoon.

Rather than recycle them I came up with a creative solution! 

They are selling out fast! I will be posting this on social media soon too so if you're interested in checking out these discounted healing CDs before they are gone ... 
Many Blessings and Stay Fab! xoxox
Lisa Whatley, hostess of

PS: Why not help a few friends? Forward them this email! 
I thank you in advance for caring enough for sharing! 
Now your friends can also enjoy healing at their fingertips too!

Infinity Light Healing, RR1, Mount Elgin, Ontario N0J 1N0, Canada
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