News from Constitution Party of Texas 5 May 2010

May 5th, 2010 at 9:05 am CDT


P.O. Box 1782
Lancaster, PA 17608

May 4, 2010
Gary Odom – 717-808-2138


Former Congressman Virgil Goode Applauds Arizona Resolution,

Joins Constitution Party

LANCASTER, PA: Virgil Goode, a 12 year Congressman from Virginia’s 5th district, attended the Constitution Party’s 2010 Spring National Committee meeting in Minneapolis where he was the keynote speaker at the Friday evening banquet.  Goode applauded the resolution passed unanimously by the Party’s National Committee expressing support for Arizona’s recently enacted legislation cracking down on illegal immigration. 


“I hope that the Republican National Committee and the Democratic National Committee follow the lead of the Constitution Party National Committee by adopting a resolution in strong support of the state of Arizona as they fight against the invasion by illegal aliens,” said Goode after the meeting. [The resolution is included at the end of this release]


Goode showed his solidarity with the Constitution Party by joining the party as a supporting member. 


Jim Clymer, Constitution Party National Chairman welcomed Congressman Goode with this statement: 


Congressman Goode has proven he has the mettle to stand true to the Constitution and the principles that serve as its foundation by withstanding the pressures of the establishment party bosses during his twelve years in Congress.  I am thrilled that he recognizes the superiority of the Constitution Party platform and has allied himself with us.  His understanding and wisdom, gained by his experience in the “belly of the beast,” will be a great asset to the party as we move forward in our effort to restore the liberties and rights secured by the Constitution. Rights and liberties which the leftists, the neo-cons and various other statists of the two major parties have taken from us.  I know I speak for all in the Constitution Party in giving Congressman Goode a hearty “Welcome aboard!”




Resolution adopted by the Constitution Party National Committee on May 1, 2010, in Minneapolis, in support of the new

Arizona illegal immigration law: 


Whereas, The Constitution Party platform affirms the integrity of the international borders of these united States and the Constitutional authority and duty of the federal government to guard and to protect those borders, including the regulation of the numbers and of the qualifications of immigrants into the country; and

Whereas, the Federal Government has wrongfully neglected its role to guard and protect our borders, and thus all Americans, from an unprecedented invasion of illegal aliens;

Whereas, the State of Arizona, in the dire straits of enduring the brunt of most of the illegal crossings of the national border, has passed Arizona Senate Bill 1070 which was signed by Governor Jan Brewer on April 23, 2010; and

Whereas, this Arizona law enables its Law Enforcement officers to enforce federal immigration law using federal standards protecting the rights of all citizens, and are required to do so without violating civil rights and without resorting to racial profiling;

Whereas, the Arizona law does not require new documentation such as a national ID card, but uses existing identification documentation to establish a presumption of legal status;

Therefore be it Resolved, that the Constitution Party National Committee stands with the people of Arizona and applauds the State of Arizona and its Governor Jan Brewer for its recent action to protect and defend it citizens, our country, and the sovereignty of both the State of Arizona and the United States of America.


Washington on the Brazos

37 Days to the Texas Constitution Party Convention!

Have you registered yet?  Sign up here.

Our keynote speaker is Abby Johnson, the lady who started to work at an abortion mill in Brazos County, wound up being the Director of it, until the day she actually watched a baby being murdered on a sonogram.  She is now one of the most outspoken opponents of abortion in America - and she's our neighbor!  You'll find her testimony encouraging and inspiring.

Tim Baldwin, son of Pastor Chuck Baldwin, is invited to speak as well.  His invitation is pending, depending on several things, and one of them is our ability to pay his expenses.  Your registration early will improve our financial situation, and will make it so much easier for us to plan for meals and registration packets.

For more information or questions contact our Conference Co-coordinator Bob Eoff.

Bryan Malatesta, Chairman
Constitution Party of Texas

Driving directions to Washington on the Brazos

We are the OFFICIAL Constitution Party of Texas

Accept no substitutes, and do not be fooled by imposters!

Yes, believe it or not, there are at least two other groups out there who like our concept so much that they have stolen our logos, our platform, and even our name! It's nice to be popular, but this is the real deal. 

Just ask our National CP Chairman,
Jim Clymer

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