Meet Tim Cox, Jay Stang and others June 11 in Belton

May 21st, 2011 at 7:30 pm CDT


To all friends of the Constitution:

If you don't know about this group, GOOOH, then you are missing one of the most refreshing movements of the American political scene in decades. Founder and national leader is Tim Cox, and Tim is one of our speakers on June 11 in Belton, Texas.

If you are not there to hear Tim Cox, along with LTC Wes Riddle (Ret.), Jay Stang (Oath Keepers), Sheriff Richard Mack, AND George Washington, then it's your loss.

The following is taken from their own website:



GOOOH stands for 'Get Out of Our House' and is pronounced like the word 'go'. It is a NON-PARTISAN plan to place 435 citizen representatives on the ballot in 2012, competing for a seat in the U.S. House of Representatives. The members of each district will have an honest opportunity to fire the career politicians who have taken over OUR House and are destroying our nation.

If you are tired of career politicians, GOOOH is for you. If you believe money has corrupted Washington, GOOOH is for you. If you believe politicians have too much power, GOOOH is for you. If you are weary of the death grip the two parties have on our government, and are ready to return control of our government to the people, then GOOOH is for you.

GOOOH is NOT a political party. It is a system that will allow you and your neighbors to choose, among yourselves, a candidate who will truly represent your district. Members will select a citizen representative to serve their district. How our candidates get on the ballot will be dependent on when we reach our membership goal. Our preference is to compete in the primaries against the incumbent. It is possible we may have to run as an Independent in some races, or even form a party in a few states, but the goal is to run in the primaries. It is important to clearly state that we are not a third party. We have no platform and are a bottom-up organization. We are a process for selecting and funding candidates.

This is an evolving system and your input is requested. The questions are changing based on the feedback of members like you. Participate in the forums, take the survey, and send us your thoughts. This is YOUR system. We will perfect it with your input.

This is a new system created by an innovative engineer who has developed complex computer systems his entire career that change the way we do things. The founder developed software for a spy satellite system, helped invent the first credit-card-reading gas pump system, and worked at Dell as the company grew to a $55 billion technology giant. This system leverages the internet and social networking to allow "we the people" to select true representatives, not choose between the politicians the two parties offer. If we continue to elect career politicians who represent their party, the special interests that fund them, and themselves, nothing will change. This is a non-partisan process that will enable the change we all seek.

GOOOH will allow you to:
  1. Help select your Representative - while being considered yourself if you like
  2. Hold your Representative accountable
  3. Replace career politicians with true representatives
  4. Take the money out of politics

Our process allows Americans of every political leaning to participate in the selection of their District's Representative while being considered themselves. Through our Candidate Selection Sessions you and your peers will select the candidate in your district who best represents your district's views. Even if you do not wish to become your district's representative you will want to participate in the process and have a direct say in who is chosen to represent your district. We will fund a single national campaign to promote the 435 candidates (one from each district) who are selected to run against the party politicians. Because we are a process for selecting representatives (not a "party") we expect a socially moderate candidate to be selected in San Francisco and a socially conservative one in Colorado Springs. We expect fiscally conservative candidates to be chosen in just about every district -- but it will be up to the members in each district to decide.

We hope to see you in Belton, Texas, June 11. Sign up here!!!

We are the OFFICIAL
Constitution Party of Texas


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