Latest News from the Constitution Party of Texas - 20 March

March 20th, 2011 at 6:46 am CDT


Open Letter to Tea Party Leaders of Texas:

You've been reading the early reports of betrayal by the very Republicans whom you elected to Congress. They voted for a continuation of a police state in the form of the Patriot Act. They voted to raise the debt ceiling. They spent a full day to reduced the budget by $6billion, even though the national debt went up $72billion that same day! What happened to the guys who promised us they would hand-cuff Big Brother and return us to Constitutional government?

I have bad news for you. MANY of them are going to continue to betray the principles of the Tea Party for the next two years.

Here's the problem -- they can't help themselves!!! (A) They are not grounded in the Constitution; (B) they are junior members of a party which has been promoting Socialism-Lite for a century! The Leadership today doesn't know what the Constitution says on any given subject, and worse, they don't care! To them, it's about power. Nothing else.

We're not knocking the rank-and-file membership of the Republican Party - most of us came out of that delusion, so we know how it works. For at least thirty years, real conservatives have been the unwanted step-children of the GOP. We get to write the platforms (which are meaningless under current leadership). We get to pass resolutions. We go home from conventions happy and tired, and they continue to do the one thing they understand -- wield power!

There is a way to get their attention! Instead of all of you piling up under their big tents, why not send about half your membership over to the Constitution Party? You have the numbers to improve any defect you may currently think we have -- and we will admit that we not only would welcome your participation, but will welcome your suggestions for improvement!

Those who say, "They can't win," are the problem in American politics. While we would rather lose than engage in political prostitution, we really don't do this just to lose. Second, if people who know we are right on the principles will just decide to pursue Principles First, then we will start winning! We've spent years setting this party up -- FOR YOU!

The Republicans have taken you for granted, and you're now finding out how impotent it is to play into their strategy. The way to get their attention is to help us build a viable alternative to the RINO party, so that you really do have a conservative and constitutional option in November, 2012.

Did you know that Howard Phillips started what became the Constitution Party just for you?
He understood two decades ago that a season of political discontent was coming, and that Americans needed a platform which would be independent of the two major socialist parties in this country, who have together managed to bring our nation to the brink of financial destruction.

That's right, the Constitution Party is THE PARTY designed for the TEA PARTY!
It was designed for you, so come and get it!

You are invited to attend the
Constitution Party
(Tea Party)
Annual Conference
11 June 2011

We have a great line up of speakers: Registration is cheap -- only $15 per person. But we'll give you a better deal - buy ten tickets for $100.

Located in Belton, Texas, "Central to Everywhere!", in the historic Beltonian Theater. Just south of Temple and just north of Austin on I-35.

We're inviting YOU to help us build the party of Resistance to Tyranny in Texas!

We are the
Constitution Party of Texas

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