[CPTexas] Why is Your Write-In Vote Important?

October 25th, 2016 at 4:29 pm CDT


Why is Your Write-In Vote Important?

In a nutshell, your write-in vote sends a message, loud and clear. You have said loudly, that the world may both hear and see, "NONE OF THE ABOVE!"

First, you tell the existing parties that they have failed in their quest to bring you an acceptable candidate. That, alone is a message to justify the effort.

Second, you tell aspiring candidates and third parties that you are looking for something better. You encourage future challenges to the establishment and the ruling elites.

Third parties, in particular, can measure hard-core resistance to traditional political parties by examining the write-in votes. Third, you tell your children and those within your sphere of influence that your vote is the expression of your conscience, and that you are willing to obey that inner voice, to not be stampeded by peer pressure into voting for an unacceptable candidate.

To abstain from voting is to waste your vote. To vote for a qualified write-in candidate is to magnify your vote and your voice.

Also see: How to Write-In Candidate Using Electronic Voting [PDF]

"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to keep voting for the lesser of two evils." -- Daniel D. New

This inspiring little video was sent to me by a Republican friend who is thoroughly disgusted.  I highly recommend it to you, and urge you to do three things:
  1. Watch the video.
  2. Vote in their poll - Darrell Castle is only at 13%, and we can do better than that!
  3. Share this message with at least one friend.


Darrell Castle will be participating in Free and Equal's Presidential Debate TONIGHT at 7:00 pm Mountain Time(That's 8:00 PM Central), coming to you live streaming from the Macky Auditorium on the campus of the University of Colorado at Boulder.   This event is expected to reach 150 million people! 

Live Stream link:  www.freeandequal.org

Post your comments during the debate at the Castle 2016 Facebook event page:  Free And Equal Debate Event

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Constitution Party of Texas




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