[CPTexas] The Question Everyone is Asking

July 28th, 2016 at 10:38 am CDT


Dear Friends of the Constitution:

Thanks to the on-going train wreck in one of the major socialist parties in this country, we have been inundated this last month with this one question, phrased in a dozen different ways: 

Does Texas still have a chance to put Darrell Castle on our ballot?

I apologize for this generic answer, but I'm falling behind in other party business, and must resort to this.  I hope to correspond with each of you over the next few weeks and months, and to recruit you into joining the Constitution Party in Texas, and helping us build an alternative for the future.  (For a few of you, this may be a duplicate answer - I'm trying to make sure I catch all messages.)

The dates have passed to get on the ballot by petition, but we can still get Darrell Castle on the ballot as a write-in candidate.  All we need for that is a few more registered voters, who did not vote in the primaries, to sign on as Electors.  Do you qualify for that?  If so, please let me know, ASAP!!  (Most of our members voted in the Republican primary, and we understand why.  Since we had no candidates in Texas, and they felt compelled to vote, we can't complain.  But it has crippled us in a couple of ways.  We're just having to overcome that, and it's why we'll be working next time around to have candidates up and down the ballot - with your help!)

This happens to us every two years - a bunch of people ask if we're ballot qualified, but too few want to join and help us build an organization in their county, so that we can make full ballot access the next time.  This year, however, we're seeing solid membership growth, with new members coming in almost every day.  Would love to have your help so we can start running serious candidates, for winning seats, in 2018.

So... why do we go to all this trouble just so we can be embarrassed by a tiny vote in November.  Two reasons - (1) this step is mandatory if we are to continue to have standing with the Secretary of State of Texas as a legitimate political party; and (2) an election is an event, while building a party is a process.  It is imperative that we find folks willing to put a lot more "skin in the game" than a vote and maybe a signature on a petition.  "County by County" is the theme, as we employ a Zone Defense in setting up functional county organizations around the State of Texas. 

In the meantime, check for details on the web - we have a state conference coming up on August 13, in Belton, Texas.  You can meet Darrell Castle there, as well as a bunch of good people!  Sheriff Richard Mack will be the keynote speaker, and a lot of good folks from counties all over Texas.  I'm hoping you will be interested in representing your county as a Pioneer in building a team that can field candidates as early as next year in local elections.  "If we build it, they WILL come!"  This requires Vision on the part of Patriots like you, who can acquire the Vision to build something that will lend itself to more freedom for our children and their children.  "Where there is no Vision, the people perish." 

What can you do?

You could join the party. Click here. 

You could share this message with one or two (or a hundred) friends.

You could become an Elector, if qualified.  (Or maybe you know someone who is.)  Contact me.

You could sign up for our free Newsletter. Click here.

You could attend the State Conference in Belton on August 13.  Click here to purchase tickets.

You could donate to the the Darrell Castle campaign fund.  See http://castle2016.com/

You could join our team in building a chapter in your county.  Tell us your county of residence and how you want to help.

For a Constitutional Republic, under God, once again,

Daniel New, Chairman

We are the OFFICIAL
Constitution Party of Texas







Help us keep the lights on.  Click here to make a donation today.

Although we want to hear from you, please do not reply or send questions to this address. Simply direct your questions and correspondence to chairman_at_cptexas.us or go to our website at http://www.cptexas.us
and contact us from there. Thanks and we look forward to hearing from you!

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