[CPTexas] Read the Declaration on the 4th

July 2nd, 2015 at 11:15 pm CDT


To All Friends of the Constitution in Texas,

Most of you know that the Constitution was one of three documents which make up our Founding Charters.  First came the Introduction - the Declaration of Independence, then came the main body of the Constitution itself, which the States would not accept until the third document was passed, binding down the new Federal government with several restrictions - the Bill of Rights.  Which was more important?  None of them!  They are all essential parts of the body of literature upon which our Freedom was built. 

Saturday, the 4th of July, marks the 239th anniversary of the signing of the Declaration of Independence.  It's still a national holiday, in spite of the fact that we are less free today than the American colonies were when it was signed.  The Federal government which came about a few years later, as a servant of the States and the People, has become more and more our Master.  (There's something in the Bible about that - it's not a good thing when a servant becomes a master.)  The 17th Amendment literally destroyed all vestiges of a Federal Republic and replaced it with a National Oligarchy. 

We are living in the twilight of American power and influence - it's ebbing away fast, and there are those who not only rejoice in that, but who are working day and night to make it happen.  Not only is our reputation abroad largely tarnished, but our domestic freedoms are greatly eroded and out children today have no idea how free we were a generation or two ago.  Awash in technology, our grandchildren seem more interested in the latest games available, or in texting back and forth every intimate detail of their self-absorbed lives.  Awash in information, they are as ignorant of their own history as the average primitive savage.  And we worry, as we heed the words of George Santayana, "Those who cannot remember the past are bound to repeat it." 

So this Saturday you have an opportunity to help your children and grandchildren remember the past.  If there is any way you can make it happen, we encourage you to show up with a few friends, or just you and your kids, as the case may be - stand on the courthouse steps, and read the Declaration of Independence out loud.  You won't believe how good it feels to read those radical words to the world (whether it's listening or not) - "We hold these truths to be self-evident...," and "But when a long train of abuses... evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their Right, it is their DUTY, to throw off such government, and to provide new Guards for their future Security." 

When you read words like this, with emphasis, and when you let your children and their friends read them, the seed for Liberty in a future generation are planted.

If you hurry, you can still notify the local radio stations with a Public Service Announcement that the public is invited to join you in reading the Declaration at your local county courthouse this coming Saturday.  You set the time.

And what's that, you say?  "Where do we get a permit?"  I am not believing you asked me that question!  Your permit is the First Article in the Bill of Rights - which specifically denies to Congress and the Federal government any restrictions upon your freeedoms to peaceably assemble, to exercise free speech, and to petition the government for redress of grievances.  So... the best case scenario might be that someone arrests you for exercising your remaining freedoms, because you will still win that case in court, and then your children will really have a first-hand experience in exercising Liberty!

See you at the courthouse!

Daniel New
Constitution Party of Texas

PS.  The Constitution Party of Texas has been sponsoring this event for the past several years, and welcomes your reports on how it goes this Saturday in your county, including photos.  Some people have speeches, other don't.  Some have petitions, others don't.  Some have a new signing of the Declaration.  Invite your elected public servants to come and read and then make a short non-political speech.  Build interest in your community.  Send us photos and we'll post them on our website.
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Constitution Party of Texas



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