CPTexas News - 18 December

December 18th, 2010 at 7:16 pm CDT


from the Constitution Party of Texas

It's that time of year, to give gifts - so here's a gift idea you may not have considered -- give a membership in the Constitution Party to a friend or family member whom you know would appreciate it, but maybe just doesn't quite have the extra dollars to sign up.  This is a way to give with meaning, helping the younger (or older!) generation better appreciate our heritage and our faith, as applied to the political process!

An individual membership is the lowest it's been in years - only $20!

Family memberships have been reduced to $35! 

And Lifetime Memberships are still held at the reasonable price of $500!

If each member or family gives just ONE membership this Christmas, you can be responsible for helping us DOUBLE the registered membership of our party, and that will make it much easier to get your county and region organized in time for:

  1. building infrastructure,
  2. planning our 2012 Conference, then 
  3. recruiting candidates and training them for the 2012 campaign.  

A dollar donated now is worth double what a dollar donated six months from now will be worth, because we use it to build a better and more effective party!

Here is a fabulous quote from a recent article here on our monetary system:

"The only hope of America now lies in the electorate's collective disgust with both the Republican and Democratic parties—and the Federal Reserve itself. On December 9th Bloomberg New reported:  A majority of Americans are dissatisfied with the nation's independent central bank, saying the U.S. Federal Reserve should either be brought under tighter political control or abolished outright, a poll shows.

"And Today, perhaps another great shift in history is about to take place; and, again, as before, nothing less than America's future is at stake."

We couldn't agree more! It's time to kick it into gear and to give your family and friends a gift that will last a lifetime and then some.

You give the gift, and we'll send your new member a laminated membership card, AND a free copy of the US Constitution and Declaration of Independence!

Lastly, we also must let you know that YOU can have your very own gift too for FREE! We have t-shirts and mugs to offer. Here is our newest shirt front and back:

And here is the coffe mug! HOWEVER, we only have 12 mugs, so order your right now.

See this order page to get your FREE t-shirt or mug! And if you order by Monday, December 20th, we can get them into the mail for Christmas. 

Bryan Malatesta

Chairman - Texas

We are the OFFICIAL Constitution Party of Texas

Accept no substitutes, and do not be fooled by imposters!

Yes, believe it or not, there are at least two other groups out there who like our concept so much that they have stolen our logos, our platform, and even our name! It's nice to be popular, but this is the real deal. 

Just ask our National CP Chairman, Jim Clymer.

Help us keep the lights on.  Click here to make a donation today.

Although we want to hear from you, please do not reply or send questions to this address. Simply direct your questions and correspondence to chairman_at_cptexas.us or go to our website at http://www.cptexas.us and contact us from there. Thanks and we look forward to hearing from you!

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